Friday, April 22, 2022

Are Climate Agreements Working?

I've been asking my liberal friends to come up with a few climate, population, energy, etc... predictions that have come true. I would love to know about one prediction 40 years ago that came true.

While looking for my own personal Coelacanth I was confronted with the results of nearly 50 years of climate agreements. Conservatives focus on results while the left is more concerned with how things seem or feel. This is a fundamental difference in how we see the world which I've written about in the past.

It doesn't take a degree in climate science to quantify how ineffective climate agreements have been in curbing rising CO2 emissions. I looks like there have been 22 climate agreements thus far but we are supposed to believe that the 23 climate agreement will be the one that makes a difference. I think it's fair to call it what it is... A freaking bull shit clown show and might just be one of the best excuses to meet up with like minded people so you feel like you are making a difference every few years. "Alright, everybody it's time to board your private jets and go home."

Monday, April 18, 2022

The World is NOT Melting?

The world is not melting... Yet? 

First of all it's sheer insanity to believe returning CO2 to the Earth's atmosphere is going to turn the planet into Venus or make it uninhabitable. There are cities near the equator that have greater populations than entire northern countries. How many people make plans to visit northern cities during the winter? Some yes, but really don't we all try to go south and suck up some sun and get warm? 

The Carboniferous (the creation of Earth's coal) period lasted 60 million years and changed the planets CO2 level from roughly 1,500 ppm to about 350 ppm. When a young person cries and tells you that humankind (aka YOU) is destroying the planet and will soon make it uninhabitable look them in the eye and ask if they know commercial green houses use CO2 generators to raise CO2 levels to over 1,500 ppm during the day? That since the 60's the Earth has been greening? The lack of CO2 becomes dangerous to nearly all plant life when it falls below 250 ppm? That there are theories that one factor that leads to continental glacial ice sheets is the reduction of CO2 to the point most plant life on Earth dies.

Every one that I know believes CO2 is bad. If it's so bad then why do greenhouses spend money to INCREASE their CO2 levels? Why has NASA been documenting the greening of the planet for years? 

Of course facts don't matter. You tell someone that the Earth is NOT over populated and they look at you like you're a nut. When you show them that 90% of the Earth's population lives in the Northern Hemisphere the look on their face is as close to Bull Shit as you can get. Man has essentially populated only half of the planet and as a pilot I can tell you there is so much emptiness it's hard to imagine anyone even seriously mentioning over population. 

So back to CO2 and predictions that have been made regarding it's 33% (ish) increase since 1950. Yes CO2 has increased from about 300 ppm to 400 ppm (ish) and we are being lead to believe that this increase is responsible for the warming that has happened in the last 70 or so years. 

Yes the Earth is warming. Saying that doesn't mean I buy into all the predictions that have been made of which I'm still looking for one that actually happened as predicted. Do you know of any that have panned out? Any scientist worth anything will embrace being proven wrong and learning something new is what scientist love... Not so much when it comes to climate change.

I know the Earth has been warming because for the last 450 years (ish) sea levels have been rising roughly 8 inches per 100 years and the rate of increase hasn't changed. 

Why use sea level rise to document warming? 

That's an entirely different blog post but essentially sea level is an excellent proxy that can't be easily manipulated. Developing one temperature for the entire planet is fraught with manipulation. Some of which are easy to spot like starting your warming graphs for the United States after the dust bowl but others such as the "normalization" of temperature readings are more insidious.

Another proxy that can be used is Artic Sea ice which we all know is radically decreasing and will soon disappear I say sarcastically. Of course those predictions were made 40 years ago and have come and gone but getting it wrong doesn't matter.

Has the Artic been ice free in the past?

Absolutely, so like a blind squirrel finding a nut, eventually these ice free predictions will come true, just not on the time scale "scientist" have predicted and likely not due to CO2 which I'm confident has been greening the Earth for over 50 years. It's quite possible human intervention and the release of sequestered CO2 has been a good thing as the atmosphere was becoming dangerously low in CO2. 

Honestly, I wish that more people would focus on cleaning up other pollution that is wreaking havoc on our planet from heavy metals in our water, plastics in the ocean or Africa burning anything and everything so they can to cook and heat their homes.  

Follow the black line... 

Friday, April 15, 2022

I'm Not a Medical Expert But... Covid-19 Sucks!

I'm not a medical expert so you should NOT listen to anything I have to say about anything medical... right?

If somebody who's very ill and/or elderly with many health issues had Covid and dies: The death is due to Covid. And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

If somebody who's elderly and/or with many health issues gets vaccinated and dies: The death is deemed to be definitely not due to the vaccine, by people who have no idea whether it was or not: don't even ask (even though scientists say the vaccine can sicken the frail and/or elderly and/or exacerbate their conditions). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated. You're a conspiracy theorist if you wonder how many people die after vaccination of conditions that could be linked to vaccination.

If somebody who's elderly and/or with many health issues gets vaccinated and still gets Covid and dies: The death is somehow due to the Covid part of the equation and not the vaccine part of the equation by people who have no idea what the true contributors were. And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

If somebody who's healthy gets vaccinated and gets Covid and doesn't get very sick: They would have gotten much much sicker or even died if they hadn't been vaccinated (even though there is no way to know that, and even though scientists and CDC say most unvaccinated people who get Covid with have few or mild symptoms and recover with no significant effects). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

If somebody who's healthy gets vaccinated and gets Covid and becomes pretty ill: They would have gotten much much sicker or even died if they hadn't been vaccinated (even though there is no way to know that, and even though scientists and CDC say most unvaccinated people who get Covid with have few or mild symptoms and recover with no significant effects). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

If somebody gets vaccinated and dies of heart attack, stroke, fall, cancer or other causes: The death is definitely not due to the vaccine; don't even ask. It's due to their genetics or preexisting conditions (even though scientists say vaccination can aggravate genetic or preexisting conditions). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated. You're a conspiracy theorist even if you wonder how many people die after vaccination of conditions that could have been exacerbated by vaccination.

If somebody gets vaccinated and dies months later: The death is definitely not due to the vaccine (even though scientists say side effects caused by vaccines can manifest months or years after vaccination). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

Why is this so important? As long as pharma interests keep people from asking logical questions, the vaccines will be less likely to be improved to harm fewer people, and we will sacrifice the health and lives of susceptible people that could be cautioned against their use in their current formulation if the risk for them is high.

Furthermore people are smarter than the narratives assume. Because the narratives make no logical sense, it destroys confidence in our public health officials and vaccine system, doing great potential harm to public health.



Anyone who thinks they understand what's really going on with Covid and is buying the "Everyone should get vaccinated and boosted" narrative needs to spend some time on the OPEN VARES website.

This site asks for no donations and is NOT funded by special interest groups. It just mines the CDC's VARES databased for information. The CDC VARES database is REALLY hard to work with and the OPENVARES website is wonderful. Between you and me it's likely I'm the only one of us who has entered a reaction into the VARES database and I can tell you with absolute certainty that this database is not being filled with bogus data and I totally believe the studies which indicate reactions are massively underreported. Best case VARES is capturing 10%. Worst case it's capturing 2% and my best guess it's reporting about 5% of all reactions.

If 10% of reactions are being reported then there have been about 20 million reactions to the vaccine and likely 269,000 deaths associated with the shot just in the United States. I know this sounds crazy but wasn't it crazy when we all believed the government telling us to lock down for 15 days to flatten the curve? Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me... Right?

FYI, as of October 2021 the NIH believes the vaccines have saved 140,000 people.

I bet you thought the vaccine had saved many more lives? I know I sure did!

This is not a freaking conspiracy... This is just looking at the VARES database data and getting info from government websites.

Once again I got vaccinated and recommended that all of my friends, who don't have a medical reason not to get vaccinated, get vaccinated. I got COVID and based on the science that existed prior to the politicization of science I'm NOT getting boosted unless a booster is required by the government for me to live free.

I think is beyond BULLSHIT what our government has done in the name of science these last two years. Through 1789-1790 (ish) our fledgling country was experiencing a massive Small Pox outbreak. Small Pox is as contagious as Covid and 30% of those who contracted the virus back then died. It's insane that the government has taken so many authoritarian actions against it's citizens, such as lock downs of the healthy, etc... when you consider when the Constitution was written and ratified.

"Under Reporting" is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events." CDC WEBSITE

Friday, March 18, 2022

Hunter Biden's Laptop and the MSM Disinformation Campaign

Here's some news that I've known since before the the last election that the MSM is now just admitted is true.

UPDATE 4/10/2022 The Washington agenda now involves damage control or more likely taking out Hunter and possibly his father. Stay tuned as this is going to get nasty.

The NY Times has finally admitted that Hunter Biden's laptop was NOT Russian disinformation. 

I guess those 50 intelligence experts just got it wrong. Kinda like the 17 intelligence agencies that concluded the Russians interfered with the 2016 election to help Trump. Everyone in the MSM conveniently forgets that James Clapper testified under oath only the FBI, CIA and the NSA concluded the Russians interfered with our election. Of course the FBI and CIA both hated Trump and got caught trying to get rid of him and the NSA (I'm just guessing) actually was the agency spying on Trump the candidate and Trump the President.

If you think the laptop isn't a big deal then let me offer this up. The NY Post is our nation's oldest paper and they were effectively censored just before the 2020 election with maybe the biggest actual political story in a generation and this censorship more than likely changed the outcome of the election.

Anyone who had a following that retweeted the NY Post Hunter Biden laptop story was banned from Twitter, Facebook, etc... I could only tell ten people at a time and then my sharing was shut down and the links I sent deleted. Then there was shadow banning which drove traffic down to a trickle and was absolutely used in the last half of 2016 against Trump and again in 2020.

"For the post-election survey, "The Polling Company" interviewed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, six of which (excluding North Carolina) were called for Biden. The voters were asked about their knowledge of eight news stories, all of which the liberal media had downplayed or censored."

The survey concluded that 17% of voters would not have supported Biden had they known about these stories before voting. When thoughtful people say the election was rigged they are not talking about dead people voting, trucks full of ballots or computer software switching votes. They are talking about damaging stories being suppressed to help Biden and being made up and spread to hurt Trump.

When Vice President Biden refuted the legitimacy of the laptop during the first Presidential debate the fact checkers backed him up. How is that even possible? How could they conclude the laptop was false without seeing it? Did any of the 50 intelligence experts seen it? The entire MSM said it was Russian disinformation with no further information and the liberal, leftist and some of the conservative electorate just bought it hook like and sinker. The President to this day has not corrected the record and even now perpetuates the lie.

It goes on and on and there are people to this day who absolutely believe the laptop is bogus and more than likely Russian disinformation. The Big Guy getting 10% had nothing to do with the Joe Biden. We didn't have to worry about Celtic being mentioned (Joe Biden's secret service code name) in the emails. Bottom line Vice President Biden and President Biden was not aware of his son's business dealings in Ukraine, China or Russia.

Turns out the laptop directly ties Joe Biden to his families grift machine, their shared bank account(s), their shared credit card(s) and Hunter paying for some of dad's bills.

Lastly if you think all of this is BS then look at what was being said about the laptop before the 2016 election to what we know now. Crazy the narrative was exactly opposite of reality.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Lift Sanctions on American Oil

How about lifting sanctions on the American oil industry? Seriously, ponder all the things the government has done to make America fossil fuel deplorable.

If any country did what the Biden Administration heaped upon the American oil industry it would be considered sanctions. Instead of buying Russian oil let's lift our own self-imposed sanctions on the American Fossil Fuel Industry.

What the Administration, American companies, banks and Wall Street have voluntarily done to reduce american energy production is as stupid as defunding the police. 

In less than a year the Biden Administration and its sycophants have crushed America's energy independence. We are now begging OPEC and Russia to pump more. No matter how you slice it that's just freaking stupid!

Why in the hell are we buying Russian oil? It's widely reported that 60% of Russia's economy comes from oil and gas sales. Not only are these petrodollars used to buy weapons, Putin's threats to cut off natural gas to our allies during the winter is a weapon unto itself. When oil pays for weapons and our allies are winter natural gas hostages, it doesn't make any sense to shut down America production no matter what level you support the Green New Deal.

When the United States is the only country that massively reduced its greenhouse gas emissions, how does Russian oil shipped to the United States make any sense?

No doubt the "adults" are in charge, unfortunately they have dementia.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Georgia Ballot Boxes and The Big Lie

According to Main Stream Media (MSM) and the Democratic party the "BIG LIE" is President Trump and Republicans refusing to accept the 2020 defeat by blaming their loss upon widespread voter fraud

However, we now know that the Georgia's Secretary of State is interested in missing ballot box custody documents for thousands of votes in the Fulton Country Area. There is no doubt that election workers will be fired and it's looking like Fulton County's next election will be conducted by the state of Georgia and not local officials. I'm positive that more voting irregularities will come to the surface and I'm looking at what "True the Vote" is undertaking. 

This makes me ponder what to call a two plus year, $40 million dollar investigation into the Trump campaign colluding with Russia and specifically Vladimir Putin. That investigation hobbled a newly elected President and produced nothing. Yet it's perfectly clear millions of American's not only believe but know that Trump colluded with the Russians. The Russian Hoax continues to this day but it's not the "Big Lie"?

Mark Zuckerberg spent about $419 million dollars (easily the largest dark money contribution in history) to ensure people in high density areas of the country, mostly swing states, could have easy access to vote in the 2020 Presidential election. This mostly included giving grants to non-partisan election officials who used the funds to register millions on new voters. To get ballots to these new voters. To hold special "vote in the park" events. To put up a few thousand ballot drop boxes. To get out the vote and when the absentee votes came in missing signatures, addresses, etc... To cure those ballots.

The big lie is the bulk of this was done in states that mattered and in areas that would increase the democratic vote. It's hard to argue that getting more people to register and then vote is a bad thing but when this is done is specific areas the 14th amendment which clearly states that all American's are to be treated equally under the law. You can't discriminate based on race, religion, sex, where you live or political affiliation. 

To me the "Big Lie" is the media and Democratic talking heads stated over and over just days after the election based on no factual evidence that it was the "most secure in history." Trump’s own officials say 2020 was America’s most secure election in history. Knowing full well that it takes months if not years to did into potential election irregularities the talking head concluded unanimously there were no significant problems with the election in months. However, the Left just couldn't let the dog sleep and Molly Ball's Time Magazine article spells out exactly how the left highjacked the 2020 election. 

To me this is NOT about dead people voting. It's not about felons voting. It's not about people voting twice, truck loads of ballots showing up or computer programs switching votes. That's a narrative that's designed to be the shinny object. The real issues range from Hunter Biden's laptop being Russian disinformation. The Atlantic's Suckers and Losers story that was soundly debunked but lived on for many low information voters. The suppression of news, social media and the shadow banning that became so obvious when emails and text messages didn't go through and Facebook and Twitter were limiting the number of "friends" you could reach.

It's crazy that so many stories banned by social media before the 2020 election have now been proven true. What's next? When will the America people realize that there are coordinated efforts to control what they learn and how they vote. The 2020 election was NOT the most secure in history and the facts will continue to come out to show this. What will happen to those responsible to "stealing" this election remains to be seen but if history repeats not much of anything.

Never in history has a sitting President gained 11,231,497 votes and lost.

Vaccinations are 90% Effective?

As of Monday four cities in Maine are back to wearing masks indoors. I went looking for reasons why and I saw this in the Portland paper with zero push back.

"Vaccinations are 90% effective at keeping those with Omicron out of hospitals..."


People tend to believe what they read in their trusted local paper and this headline would indicate that if you get Omicron you have a 10% chance if ending up in the hospital. Of course you should wear a mask! OMG people must be dying like crazy... "Bring out your dead.

The problem is this isn't remotely true and sadly we may never actually know the numbers because we still don't know how many people have been infected. We don't know the "N".

A virus that you need a test to figure out if you have it still bogles my mind. Our elected leaders of today are the kids who dropped out of science, avoided calculus like the plague and took communication and political science classes. These are the people who see headlines and don't understand the basic reality that 10% of those infected with Omicron are NOT ending up in the hospital.

If you think I'm off base one only has to pull up comments from the Supreme Court classifying CO2, a gas that is essential to all life living on the dry surface of Earth, as a pollutant. More recently we have Sonia Sotomayor who recently claimed "We have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators."

Cloth masks, social distancing, masking outside, two weeks to flatten the curve, lack of therapeutics, lock downs of the healthy and seeing pictures of kids running cross country wearing masks have never made any sense.

It's that simple... Our leaders majored in communication, political science or became lawyers. To them the ability to interpret data is like asking me about subject verb agreement... It's just smoke and mirrors.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

January 6th Armed Insurrection

Here is something I've come to understand... News articles that don't allow comments are not worth reading. Which begs the question why doesn't my blog allow comments? I really need to rethink allowing comments.

Anyway, I totally disagree with the universal main stream media's claim that there was an armed insurrection on January 6th. This is totally freaking bullshit and anyone with a smidgen of critical thought knows this. Furthermore, I will remember January 6th, 2022 as the day President Biden lost the last morsel of my support and goodwill:

"Go back to that day. What do you see? This wasn't a group of tourists. This was an armed insurrection." President Joe Biden - January 6th, 2022.

Has any January 6th armed person been identified? Were any firearm arrests made that day? Did anyone bring a gun into the Capital? What about a knife? If so who are these armed people? Where are their pictures? Their stories would be plastered on every front page in the country. Their stories would fill countless "A" blocks for CNN, MSNBC for months, if not years. 

Furthermore, claims that flagpole "spear" points represent weapons is demonstrably false. If this was factual then government buildings across this country need to be disarmed immediately.

Bottom line, Attorney General Merrick Garland's Justice Department has not charged a single person with anything close to insurrection (Update... a year after the event a handful of people have now been charged with insurrection... It's laughable) treason or sedition and the FBI has testified that no guns were seen let alone confiscated on the capital grounds that day. Furthermore, the FBI made it clear during Congressional testimony that January 6th was not coordinated.

Unless you have been living under a rock only one bullet was fired on January 6th, 2021. This bullet stuck down a 5' 2", 115 lb. unarmed woman as she was climbing through a window killing her within minutes. The shot was fired into her neck while three officers in riot gear were within arms reach behind her. It's shear luck that none of them were hit.

Immediately after the shot video shows the shooter fleeing... Since when do police officers involved in a shooting leave the scene?

Take a few moments and let this sink in. I'm a Trump voter not a Trump supporter and until January 6th, 2022 I've always prided myself in my unwavering support of our elected officials regardless of politics. Joe Biden has finally and irrevocably lost my support.

My fellow Americans the truth is important and it makes me sad when someone spins basic facts to such a degree that the truth is unknowable. For example, when two Supreme Court Justices, two of the smartest people on the planet, demonstrate they don't understand basic factual data regarding Covid-19 and are about to rule on vaccine mandates it's a sign things have gone way too far. Our "ruling" class are making important decisions devoid of basic facts. There is little doubt that unless something is done this is not going to end well.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

We Love to Fly and it Shows

It's been two years since I've flown Delta and now I remember why I stopped flying with them.

No it wasn't the bombastic overweight Indian fellow who talked too loudly and way too much on the PA system and in person which makes one wonder was this an episode of undercover boss?

No it wasn't the overhead light for 42C that after a few minutes got hot and then flickered. I really wanted to read my Christmas book but I feared I or a fellow passenger would be triggered in to a full grand mall seizure if I did.

No it wasn't the 83 degree average temperature during the last half of the flight which makes me ask why I didn't strip down to my v-neck t-shirt. My light weight, 100% Egyptian cotton, dress shirt with sleeves rolled up felt like a full fledge Minnesota ugly Christmas sweater.

Was it the 8 hour flight (120 knot headwinds) with two "drink" rounds accompanied by gold fish or biscotti that made this flight unbearable? No beer, no mixed drinks, no box lunch... nothing but none alcoholic drinks, goldfish and biscotti?

The airlines have clearly used the Pandemic to end the "customer experience" albeit shitty as it had become over the last few decades. Gone are hot towels, drinks, warm meals and a microwaved cookie. Food service is and has always been an economical looser for the airlines but it makes the experience bearable. I'm at the point in my life that I can afford to upgrade but why bother as it doesn't look any better up front. 

What about the flight attendants? I saw one that seemed to enjoy her job. Yes just one. Not including the Indian guy who liked his job WAY to much and reminded me of my friend Doug on steroids most of the flight attendants (post pushing the "drink" cart) sat behind curtains playing with their phones.

Some how the airlines don't understand that cabin class flyers are their future business and 1st class customers. Have the airline CEOs collectively forgotten the Happy Meal? Their future profit centers are being aborted in their 40s and 50s. My wife, who is a crazy seasoned traveler said this might be her last long haul flight. She seriously is pondering cancelling our return leg and renting a car. A car? She would rather drive cross country than fly Delta?

So what is the real reason our Delta flight sucked? One thing is for sure... The masks have got to go. 

The government is slowly crushing our humanity. Instead of masks of questionable value (two out of four airline CEOs said they are essential stupid) how about taking everyone's temperature at security and actually keep sick people out of the airport and thus not flying next to me? 


Furthermore, taking temperatures shouldn't stop with the pandemic. How many times have you flown next to or near someone obviously sick? We all have and that needs to stop. Trip insurance should become mandatory and a fever at security or a note from your doctor should be enough to invoke coverage with no questions asked.

Last but not least the 757-200 with it's 3x3 seating configuration should be retired in the United States. No doubt some foreign airlines would love to have them but Americans are just too big. At 6' 3" and 260 lbs I'm happy with all Airbus models and even what Southwest flies but I'm never going to be happy on a 757 unless I'm in front. It's so clear Airbus has the edge and the 757-200 either needs to reconfigure or be sold to nations with predominantly skinny people.

So our airports suck, the planes suck, the inflight experience sucks and yet airlines are back to flying millions of people each day. Does that mean America sucks?

So there you go... Our flight was just really bad. However, it doesn't come close to a 28 hour flight in a military cargo jet, freezing you ass off with yellow ear plugs and little fuzzy blue blanket but it was surprisingly close.

My one takeaway would be utilize temperature checks instead of masks. Make that argument, organize the resistance and get this changed. Remember the FAA for all practical purposes works for airlines why not for once use regulatory capture for good?

Lastly I guess Delta earned one greatful thanks from me... At least I didn't end up ducktaped to my seat sipping apple juice through a straw.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Kids Shouldn't Be Vaccinated

Kids not getting the shot seems obvious but clearly it's not. Before I try to explain the obvious let me be clear, kids should get almost all the modern vaccines required for babies, children, adolescents and if appropriate as college bound young adults.

That said, parents must do their own research and decide on each and every shot. They should try to spread them out and absolutely make sure your baby/child/adolescent is 100% healthy before they get any inoculation or vaccine. 

For example does a baby girl or a baby boy who is not going to be circumcised really need the vitamin K shot? Does a baby living in rural America really need the Hepatitis B shot? Does your not sexually active, lesbian 17 year old daughter need the HPV vaccine? Does your college bound son need the Chickenpox vaccine if they already had Chickenpox?

Okay so lets agree that vaccines are one of, if not the greatest medical advancement in the history of mankind. They have saved millions of lives and given so many a better standard of living. But what about the Covid-19 vaccine for kids?

So far since the beginning of the pandemic approximately 400 children have died of Covid-19. According to multiple sources (the CDC hasn't published squat) the vast majority of those deaths had other serious comorbidities in play. Essentially, kids don't get sick and die from Covid-19 and when they catch the bug most don't even know and statistically everyone but the already very sick, survive.

Undoubtedly, Covid-19 is less deadly to children than influenza and should be treated the same as the seasonal flu. The idea we should vaccinated our children to protect them is dumb. To vaccinate children to protect others is just as dumb because it's clear now the vaccine doesn't prevent spread and the effectiveness appears to significantly drop in as little as three months going to 50% in six months.

There are approximately 75 million children under the age of 19 in America. Why are we even considering injecting them with a still arguably untested vaccine that may or may not be abled to save some of the 400 young lives already lost to Covid-19?