Thursday, February 4, 2016

400 ppm reached!

As on November (updated January 5th) world wide CO2 has broken the 400 ppm barrier for the first time... in recorded history.

There is no argument that since 1900 the Earth's surface temperature, on average, has gone up by roughly 1.32 degrees Fahrenheit and sea levels have risen about 8 inches.

There is no argument CO2 has gone from 300 to 400 ppm... A 33% increase... Which based on isotopic study is man made and not volcanoes or massive forest fires.

However, it's inconvenient to mention that this increase is only 1 part in 10,000 in the atmosphere on whole.  That water vapor, NOT CO2, is the mother of all green house gases.

Water vapor averages a whopping 30,000 ppm and serves a huge role in keeping infrared radiation in the atmosphere and our planet livable but is barely mentioned in the recent IPCC publication.

Jim Hansen's, the father of global warming, initial ground breaking research on how green house gases trap heat was modeled on Venus not Earth.

Venus - 96.5% CO2

Earth - .0400% CO2

Lastly... Once again I ask what THREE gasses make up 99.96% (ish) of Earth's atmosphere?

Here's a hint... CO2 is not one of them!

My passion is leaving the planet better off after I'm gone.  I very much want to improve the lives of millions with clean water, air and land.  To leave the world a better, cleaner more livable place for me being alive.

Unfortunately CO2 is getting the lion's share of public attention... and money while countries such as China, India, Pakistan and most of Africa continue to pollute on a scale that's essentially ignored by the developed world.  Let's help them clean up their act with actions that have measurable and dramatic impact on people lives and the health of our shared environment.