Friday, September 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders Wrong - Emails Matter II

I didn't write the bulk of this but edited it so it's less wordy.

On September 11, 2012, four Americans in Libya were killed in a terrorist attack at the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

Republicans accused Clinton of putting politics over the protection of American personnel which led them to pry into her emails.

The House Select Committee on Benghazi asked for all of the State Department’s Benghazi-related emails, but State only turned over eight from Clinton. That seemed weird, so people began asking questions.

Throughout 2014, House Republicans complained that the State Department was stonewalling them for the emails.  In March 2015, the New York Times revealed why: The State Department didn’t have Clinton’s emails. It turned out Clinton had used a private email server and private account exclusively throughout the duration of her tenure as secretary of state.

Since then, there’s been something of a mad scramble for Clinton’s emails involving basically everyone and their mother. Each of the email hunters has had different incentives for trying to uncover Clinton’s emails.

- The FBI opened its investigation to learn if Clinton broke classification laws.

- Republicans in Congress, at least theoretically, want to learn more about her handling of Benghazi.

- The conservative advocacy group Judicial Watch has filed more than 20 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits over Clinton’s emails, in a move that’s hard to interpret as anything but baldly partisan.

- News outlets like Gawker, Vice News, and the Associated Press also all filed their own legal cases for Clinton’s emails in search of a better understanding of her time in the State Department.

I thought Hillary's violation of the Federal Records Act of 1950 was a big deal. Turns out it is, but it's not.  For starters the head of each agency is responsible for setting up, maintaining and ensuring records are retained and stored. She was the head of the agency which is pretty funny since she was likely the worst violator.  The Federal Records Act of only applies to government employees while employed by the government with the maximum punishment being termination of employment.

Because these different investigations and lawsuits are all slowly unfolding over the same time period, they’ve led to the slow drip of emails being released. Colin Powell was spot on.  As soon as folks started asking about her server she should have turned it over to the FBI and said... You guys got it all and I want someone put in charge to make sure personal information is not released to the public. But instead she cherry picked what she wanted released and deleted and scrubbed the server... Three months after the courts ordered the emails be preserved.

So now I understand why the emails became an issue and why this crap has just gone on and on. Part of it is Hillary the other part is there are so many people, so many cases, etc...  It's going to take years before this is over. Meaning even if she wins she is going to be weighed down by this.  Toss in likely medical issues and I got one word for you:


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Global Warming Petition Project

“There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.” (“Global Warming Petition Project,”, 2015)

That statement has been signed by 31,487 American scientists, including 9,029 with PhD’s.

I love that quote.

Last night my better half made a really good point:  "David why does this settled science bug you so much?"

Three reasons.

#1 Believing something just because someone else believes it just blows me away. Science is when someone has a theory, comes up with ways to test this, publishes their results and other scientists conduct tests and get the same results.  The scientific community has been wrong in the past and even forced out ideas for years the eventually proved to be right. Why can't we learn from this?

#2 Global warming now climate change looks like a power grab and it's going to cost trillions which will once again screw over the poorer nations.

#3 Lastly and more importantly it takes our eye off what we should be focused on. Massive pollution created by developing and poor counties continues at a levels that are literal killing people and the planet. I'm not talking about hidden pollution such as heavy metals... which is also a huge problem... I'm talking air you shouldn't breath, soil that is so polluted nothing will grow and rivers that you can't swim.