Regarding January 6th:
"Anyone with the intent to stop that process was wrong. Protesting it. Fine. Physically stopping. Wrong"
Okay so I absolutely agree with this statement. However, what do you think was the intended outcome of the "nut" jobs attacking the Capital police and Capital?
Did they want to get into the Capital?
I think it's fair to say yep.
Why? I honestly don't know.
Did they want to burn the Capital down like the "mostly" peaceful protestors who burned whole city blocks and countless businesses during the summer of 2020? I think that's an obvious NO because they didn't start any fires.
Did those trying to get into the Capitol have guns? Zero firearms confiscated on January 6th would indicated that's a big NO. The only shot fired that day killed a unarmed protestor.
Note: One son who didn't attend Jan 6th turned his dad in for having a gun on the Capital grounds but saying it was an armed insurrection is a lie that will not die an continues to be a democratic talking point the President Biden says over and over.
Did the protesters believe they could stop the count and keep Trump in office?
Maybe, because clearly there are some really stupid people who got sucked up in the narrative which I blame not only on Trump but on the Media.
No matter how you slice it 2020 was not the most secure and democratic election in American History. Slowly the facts are coming out. For example in 2020 43% of ballots cast were by mail and 26% voted early but magically the historic ballot rejection rate fell from 3% to .3% which is mathematically impossible without intervention which means millions of votes that would have normally been rejected got "cured" and counted. Thank you Mark Zuckerberg...
My gut tells me President Biden's anger is connected to him finding out that more and more people are starting to figure out his victory was not as clear cut as the left wants everyone to believe.
Joe Biden ran an undergrown (basement) campaign while the FBI created at worst or allowed to continue a cloud of Russian Collusion over Trump. The media made up and promoted the Afghanistan bounties and The Atlantic's "Suckers and Losers" stories. Social media and the MSM buried the Hunter's laptop story and conspired to drag a dementia ridden Biden across the finish line.
Thanks to Molly Ball we know how Zuckerberg's $429 million was spent to create a shadow campaign against Trump. What Zuckerberg's folks did wasn't illegal because no one could imagine anyone doing what was done. When you consider hundreds of cellphones were tracked in the vicinity of multiple ballot drop boxes at all hours of the night over and over and another piece of the puzzle comes into focus. Why would anyone want to manipulate the outcome of an election? Seriously who really cares? Money and the belief that Trump is the next Hitler are likely the two driving forces behind what we are now learning.
I didn't know until recently that the FBI is THE federal government agency responsible for investigating federal elections and claims of voter fraud. Unfortunately, it's now clear this is the equivalent of having the fox investigate what happened to the missing chickens.
It's interesting to note that as President Biden's poll numbers fall the leaks and whistleblowers have started to surface. People from the justice department are coming forward in unprecedented numbers to blow the partizan whistle which has also resulted in the AG putting out an unprecedented memo threatening justice department employees if they go directly to members of Congress.
I think the 2022 midterms are going to be a shit show.
If 2022 ends up as a Republican landslide the trust in Media will continue to erode as polls are showing the Democratic Party will maintain control of the Senate and might keep Nancy Pelosi as speaker. Polls and media buzz are being used to depress donations to Republicans and reduce volunteer support. It happens every election cycle but just like Charlie Brown we continue to think Lucy is not going to pull that football away at the last minute.
Polls showing close races as clear Democratic wins happen every election cycle and is a form of media voter suppression. It's been happening every election for years and it's like we all have collective mass amnesia. Why Republican's can't recall that the last time the media got it wrong in favor of the GOP was Dewey is beyond me. The more important the race the more the media and polls will be just wrong.
Having the nation on whole vote on the 1st Tuesday of November is a thing of the past and in many states the vote has already started or is getting ready to start. This is NOT what the old white guys who founded the nation wanted. They knew that the voting on one day using the secret ballot would produce the best results. We inherited this process from the English and it worked well for us for over 250 years. Even before Covid the Dems were pushing HR-1 and they absolutely want to change how American votes... WHY?
How anyone could possibly believe the transition of power was going to be stopped via a mob at the Capitol is beyond belief. Thinking that Mike Pence was going to be killed by unarmed protesters yelling hang Mike Pence is just dumb.
The Chairman of the January 6th committee say police officers (yes multiple) died because of the riot was a bold face lie. No one was beaten with a fire extinguisher yet this false narrative resulted in a flag draped coffin lying in state in the nation's capital and millions of American's still don't know that officer Brian Sickneck died of natural causes on January 7th.
Only Trump supporters died on January 6th. One was shot, two middle age overweight men died of heart attacks likely caused by flash bang grenades and one woman was beaten senseless by a female police officer and then was crushed by the mob.
"The Justice Department says that more than 800 defendants have been arrested in relation to the Capitol riot, including over 250 defendants charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement officers. No one has been charged with murder." Senior FBI officials testified, under oath that Jan 6th was not a coordinated attack.
I'm good at picking up info from lots of sources and I do my best to get info from primary sources... I'm not lazy and I take this entire matter very seriously. January 6th casts a black cloud upon Republicans but it doesn't come close to the carnage, roughly $2 billion in damages and the two dozen deaths during the riots of 2020... Thanks but no thanks to BLM, Antifa and the Leftist progressive movement that continues to threaten out democracy.
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The Axis of Evil - BLM, Antifa & Leftists |