Friday, April 23, 2021

D.C. Statehood not Constitutional

So it would seem roughly half of the country wants Washington D.C to become the 51st state. Those living in D.C. have wanted this for years and it's been a topic at swamp cocktail parties for as long as I've been alive. My vote is to make it smaller and give the rest back to Maryland... Done!

Until recently I didn't know that the concept of the federal district was actually in the constitution. That it would take a constitutional amendment to make D.C. a state, but for some reason that just doesn't matter to the House Democrats who once again voted to make D.C. a state.

As time goes on and I get older I see the same political BS over and over on both sides. Of course, Dems way more than Republicans but it's all just bullshit. I don't understand why D.C. Statehood, with the Senate at 50/50 and the house with a micro slim six vote majority has to be an issue now. Aren't Russian and China ganging up on us? Aren't we fighting a global pandemic? 

Speaking of the pandemic, if the government tells me I have to keep wearing a mask after being vaccinated I'm going to be upset. If they tell me I've got to keep wearing a mask after being vaccinated and the country has reached herd immunity I'm going to loose my shit!

For history buffs, in 1971 Congress voted to erect markers to define the 10 x 10 mile Federal District. The 40 sandstone markers outlining the district were the first monuments created by Congress.

Before anyone votes to set aside one of the first Congressional acts, they really need to research the reasons it was set up in the first place and before the Left says I'm racist for thinking we should leave D.C. alone, I suggest that maybe we consider not taxing the residents of the District.

Better yet, reduce the size of the District to encompass the Supreme Court, Capital and the White House. Make it a little rectangle and give Maryland her land and people back. Maryland would gain one more Congressional seat while either NY or CA would loose one.

PS Instead of totally getting rid of D.C.'s income tax it might be a good test bed for the National Retail Sales Tax.