Monday, December 14, 2015

CO2 CO2 CO2 - Argggggg

Breaking news - The world's governments agree to spend trillions to control the climate. Trillions... Not on potable water, not on hunger, not on disease...

What really gets me going is the recent prediction that the current Paris agreement would only halt warming at 2 degrees Celsius but that other groups are protesting this arguing warming must be halted at 1.5 degrees.

I'm just scratching my head remembering the blog I did a while back documenting my efforts to determine the world consensus on the amount of warming since 1900. 

Spoiler alert there is no consensus.

If governments and the scientific community can't agree on what the average surface temperature increase has been since 1900 how can they accurately measure change? 

Scientist are acting as if there is a model that exist that can predict how many tons of CO2 must be eliminated to halt warming at 2 degrees.  This though invokes a level of SWAG beyond comprehension.  (SWAG = Scientific Wild Ass Guess)  Many articles published before, during and after the Paris United Nations Conference on Climate Change passionately support the 1.5 degree over the 2.0 degree limit which baffles me.  Why not 1.0 degree?

Instead of agreeing on an arbitrary increases my hope is that the worlds governments will HELP developing economies such as China, India, Pakistan and all those in Africa who actively "pollute" the air, water and land to a level that is unfathomable. 

Instead of spending trillions on CO2 mitigation why not spend trillions on helping the developing world stop polluting the air, water and land?  Why can't the developed world help the developing world create a healthy environment?  Compared to CO2 mitigation, cleaner air, water and land is the low hanging environmental fruit and I argue cleaning this up first is common sense.

If clean air, water and land are just too mundane you can always go after trace pharmaceuticals, mercury, soil loss, over fishing, deforestation, etc... The list I'm sad to say goes on and on.

PS  Looking at NASA's imaging it's clear that developing countries are burning everything they can to heat and cook.  The United States is clearly doing something right so lets us help the areas in RED become BLUE and clean up our ever so fragile atmosphere in a way that will directly impact our blue marble in space.