2020 Election by the Numbers:
Total Votes Cast 158,380,304
Registered Voters *214,317,357
73.9% voter turnout!
That's absolutely incredible and partially the result of millions in Mark Zuckerberg grant dollars being spent to register, vote, collect and cure ballots in predominantly democrat swing state strongholds.
There were 158,380,304 votes cast for President in 2020:
Biden 81,268,564
Trump 74,216,603
Third Parties 2,898,137
On or about November 3rd, 2020 there were 214,317,357 registered voters which was a whopping 60 million more registered voters than the 2018 midterms.
2020 - 214,317,357
2018 - 153,070,000
2016 - 157,600,000
2014 - 142,170,000
2012 - 153,160,000
2010 - 137,206,000
2008 - 146,310,000
2004 - 142,310,000
2000 - 129,550,000
This unprecedented 60,000,000 increase in registered voters during a pandemic might be why some American's may feel the 2020 election was "different". Furthermore, most Americans don't know the state of Wisconsin was ONE vote away from having their entire Presidential election results tossed.
Besides BIG TECH doing their thing (Read Molly Ball's Time Magazine article "The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election"), the bulk of the mainstream media being all in for Biden, Hunter Biden's laptop being touted as Russian disinformation and suppressed, Russian bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan, The Atlantic suckers and losers article, Pfizer waiting just days after the election to announce their "95% effective vaccine" there still seems to be something about the 2020 election that lingers in the collective conscious of America.
Why hasn't the media spent anytime reporting on the record breaking voter turn out? Isn't this a huge story for democracy? Maybe registering 60,000,000 new voters in two years, during a pandemic wasn't possible without Zuckerberg grants that some states have now passed laws preventing.
*** States Banning "Zuckerberg Bucks" ***
The Justice Department spent almost three years investigating Trump and Russian collusion but essentially ignored thousands of sworn affidavits about voter irregularities?
I'm calling for a bipartisan blue ribbon investigation to look into all aspects of potential voter fraud, media suppression, etc... Of the 2020 election for nothing else to show 74 million Trump voters the election was close, but Joe Biden won fair and square.
January 6th, 2022 update: 2020 was the first year that Georgia used ballot drop boxes, mostly in urban areas, allowing absentee ballets to be dropped off as late as 7:00 PM on election night. For example Fulton County had 78,863 ballots deposited in 38 drop boxes over a span of 41 total days, out of nearly 147,000 absentee ballots cast in total. As agreed by the secretary of state the drop boxes were to have 24/7 video surveillance. The actual law/regulation in Georgia requires 24 hour surveillance, illumination and the camera set up in such a way as to see what's going into the Dropbox and yet in many (most?) areas this wasn't done.
Fortunately some geeks found a way to track cellphones and discovered that in one area of Fulton county a few hundred people made multiple ballot drops which clearly violated Georgia's anti ballot harvesting law and if widespread might lead any rational open-minded person, regardless of party affiliation, to question the integrity of the entire election.
I wonder if the Dem's voter fraud "Big Lie" narrative might one day collapse? There is no doubt millions of American's continue to believe that the election was somehow rigged. I'm one of them, but unlike some who talk about dead people voting, people voting more than once, computers switching votes or ballots being stuffed I'm more interested in Mark Zuckerberg's $420 million in grants.
How did local election officials in deep blue urban areas of battle ground states use this money to increase voter registration? Exactly how did government officials use this money to get out the vote? How was this money used to get those ballots back aka harvested? How much of this money was spent to call and in some cases to physically visit voters at home to collect missing ballots? Exactly how was Zuckerberg's grant money spent to cure defective ballots dropping the error rate from the historical 3-4% to less than .3%? There are still unanswered questions that aren't even being contemplated. It's time for a bipartisan investigation into 2020 voter integrity.
* Note - I added up each state's registered voters from state websites and it totaled 214,317,357.
* Note - Update Statista put out data that's obviously wrong and it's still online and wrong as of the November 5th 2024. The data aggregate site www.statista.com shows the number of registered voters in 2020 as 168,310,000. Either I can't add or something isn't right. If you use the actual number of votes cast and Statista's number of registered voters you get a 94.1% turnout which is impossible.
* Update - You can calculate the number of registered voters using the U.S. Census data of registered voter turn out and the actual number of votes cast but a Census graph of "Registered Voters" or just the number of registered voters alludes me to this day.
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Statista off by 46 million? |
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This data is missing D.C. |