Saturday, April 3, 2021

NASA - Don't Mess with Texas... I Mean Tidal Gauges

I was looking at pictures on my phone and I found these very cool sea level graphs. Years ago, frustrated at climate change and how temperature data was being massaged, normalized, etc... I was looking for something to help me understand what was going with climate change and global warming. I wanted numbers that were much harder to "fudge" or "tweak" than temperatures.

Essentially, I needed data that was harder to "normalize". Specifically I wanted to focus on what C02 was doing to the climate as it increased from 300 PPM to 400 PPM over the last 60 years.

Note: CO2 only really got into the game starting in 1950's. Before then the amount of CO2 added was insignificant which is really not debatable. So warming before the 1950's is natural but additional warming after the 1950's is fair to associate with the 33% increase in CO2 thanks to us humans.

Drum roll... 

My proxy for rising temperatures?

Sea level rise. 

Which, by the way happens to be truly consistent over the centuries thus at least this scientist has conclude the Earth is warming but CO2 is not the driving force as we have been lead to believe by a handful of scientific zelots who proclaim there's a 97% scientific consensus as if that's even a thing. In the history of science consensus has never been awarded the role of arbitrator of truth or the Nobel Prize.

One could reasonably argue that CO2 caused warming is just being delayed or dampened by the mass of the oceans and the warming "signal" will just take time to show up in the data. That's possible as the oceans are a huge reservoir... But are they? 

How much water really is in the oceans?

Have you seen the world's oceans gathered up in a ball? It makes you realize water likely did come from comets and there really isn't that much if it when you actually see it graphically.

In the picture above the big ball is salt water. The much smaller ball is fresh water while the "tiny" ball is potable water. It's possible CO2 is being buffered/trapped by the oceans or the heat itself is being dampened by the oceans. I'm open to all possibilities.

Bottom line... Overall climatic warming and the actual melting of land ice clearly isn't up for debate as the ocean levels have been rising consistently for approximately 450 years.

One good thing about politics these days... It makes talking about climate change much more palatable. Clearly, the climate alarmists have taken a back seat to those screaming the United States is a systemically racist country and we must defund the police. Who would have thought this is where mass media would bring us in 2021?

Below are tidal charts from around the world picked by me with no agenda:

PS Really look at the pics... I wonder if you will see what I saw in one of them. Hint -Earthquake?

Note: Los Angeles 5.65 inches per 100 years, Battery Park New York 11.25 inches per 100 years, Portland Maine 5.56 inches per 100 years, Newport RI 11.25 inches per 100 years. It would seem that the melting of the glaciers, the edge of glaciers and river deltas have a big impact to the rate of ocean level rise. The big take away for me is the slopes off all the graphs I've seen over the yeas are all linear which is the tell tail sign that we have yet to see man's contribution to global warming in this data set. I haven't seen the worlds ocean level broken down to just one number but on average it would seem to be about 8.5 inches per 100 years going back roughly 450 years. My conclusion is the Earth is absolutely warming as we come out of the last glaciation but we are still very much in an ice age as long as the poles and Greenland are covered in ice.