Friday, March 29, 2024

We have to Protect Democracy?

Breaking of social norms...

The firing of Ronna McDaniel, the niece of Senator Mitt Romney:

"Our initial decision was because of our deep commitment to presenting our audience with a widely diverse set of viewpoints and experiences, particularly during these consequential times," Mr Conde's statement to the employees of NBC

So that's the official statement after hiring and then immediately firing someone who the "Right" barely claims as one of their own. Yet another example of the break down of social norms.

There are so many examples:

Trump is the death of Democracy. He must not be allowed on the ballot!

RFK Jr. will be the death of democracy! Hundreds of Biden paid lawyers will work diligently to keep him off the ballot.

Sasha Stone Explains 

10 million illegal boarder crossings in one Presidential term can't be justified or ignored.

Draining the strategic oil reserve to reduce gas prices before the midterm elections is not why we maintain the strategic oil reserve.

Leaving Afghanistan without a plan or coordinating with our allies was disastrous. 

Paying people not to work and expecting them to go back to work was dumb. 

Dumping money into the economy and not thinking it would be inflationary has to be one of the worst economic blunders in modern economic history.

The Biden Administration will be responsible for adding 8.5 trillion to the national debt by the end of his 1st term. The National debt is projected to reach 35.5 trillion. The battle cry for degrees... as long as the debt doesn't exceeding Gross Domestic Product we will be fine. That bull shit died quietly a few years ago.