Friday, April 15, 2022

I'm Not a Medical Expert But... Covid-19 Sucks!

I'm not a medical expert so you should NOT listen to anything I have to say about anything medical... right?

If somebody who's very ill and/or elderly with many health issues had Covid and dies: The death is due to Covid. And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

If somebody who's elderly and/or with many health issues gets vaccinated and dies: The death is deemed to be definitely not due to the vaccine, by people who have no idea whether it was or not: don't even ask (even though scientists say the vaccine can sicken the frail and/or elderly and/or exacerbate their conditions). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated. You're a conspiracy theorist if you wonder how many people die after vaccination of conditions that could be linked to vaccination.

If somebody who's elderly and/or with many health issues gets vaccinated and still gets Covid and dies: The death is somehow due to the Covid part of the equation and not the vaccine part of the equation by people who have no idea what the true contributors were. And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

If somebody who's healthy gets vaccinated and gets Covid and doesn't get very sick: They would have gotten much much sicker or even died if they hadn't been vaccinated (even though there is no way to know that, and even though scientists and CDC say most unvaccinated people who get Covid with have few or mild symptoms and recover with no significant effects). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

If somebody who's healthy gets vaccinated and gets Covid and becomes pretty ill: They would have gotten much much sicker or even died if they hadn't been vaccinated (even though there is no way to know that, and even though scientists and CDC say most unvaccinated people who get Covid with have few or mild symptoms and recover with no significant effects). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

If somebody gets vaccinated and dies of heart attack, stroke, fall, cancer or other causes: The death is definitely not due to the vaccine; don't even ask. It's due to their genetics or preexisting conditions (even though scientists say vaccination can aggravate genetic or preexisting conditions). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated. You're a conspiracy theorist even if you wonder how many people die after vaccination of conditions that could have been exacerbated by vaccination.

If somebody gets vaccinated and dies months later: The death is definitely not due to the vaccine (even though scientists say side effects caused by vaccines can manifest months or years after vaccination). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.

Why is this so important? As long as pharma interests keep people from asking logical questions, the vaccines will be less likely to be improved to harm fewer people, and we will sacrifice the health and lives of susceptible people that could be cautioned against their use in their current formulation if the risk for them is high.

Furthermore people are smarter than the narratives assume. Because the narratives make no logical sense, it destroys confidence in our public health officials and vaccine system, doing great potential harm to public health.



Anyone who thinks they understand what's really going on with Covid and is buying the "Everyone should get vaccinated and boosted" narrative needs to spend some time on the OPEN VARES website.

This site asks for no donations and is NOT funded by special interest groups. It just mines the CDC's VARES databased for information. The CDC VARES database is REALLY hard to work with and the OPENVARES website is wonderful. Between you and me it's likely I'm the only one of us who has entered a reaction into the VARES database and I can tell you with absolute certainty that this database is not being filled with bogus data and I totally believe the studies which indicate reactions are massively underreported. Best case VARES is capturing 10%. Worst case it's capturing 2% and my best guess it's reporting about 5% of all reactions.

If 10% of reactions are being reported then there have been about 20 million reactions to the vaccine and likely 269,000 deaths associated with the shot just in the United States. I know this sounds crazy but wasn't it crazy when we all believed the government telling us to lock down for 15 days to flatten the curve? Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me... Right?

FYI, as of October 2021 the NIH believes the vaccines have saved 140,000 people.

I bet you thought the vaccine had saved many more lives? I know I sure did!

This is not a freaking conspiracy... This is just looking at the VARES database data and getting info from government websites.

Once again I got vaccinated and recommended that all of my friends, who don't have a medical reason not to get vaccinated, get vaccinated. I got COVID and based on the science that existed prior to the politicization of science I'm NOT getting boosted unless a booster is required by the government for me to live free.

I think is beyond BULLSHIT what our government has done in the name of science these last two years. Through 1789-1790 (ish) our fledgling country was experiencing a massive Small Pox outbreak. Small Pox is as contagious as Covid and 30% of those who contracted the virus back then died. It's insane that the government has taken so many authoritarian actions against it's citizens, such as lock downs of the healthy, etc... when you consider when the Constitution was written and ratified.

"Under Reporting" is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events." CDC WEBSITE