Monday, April 18, 2022
The World is NOT Melting?
Friday, April 15, 2022
I'm Not a Medical Expert But... Covid-19 Sucks!
If somebody who's very ill and/or elderly with many health issues had Covid and dies: The death is due to Covid. And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.
If somebody who's elderly and/or with many health issues gets vaccinated and dies: The death is deemed to be definitely not due to the vaccine, by people who have no idea whether it was or not: don't even ask (even though scientists say the vaccine can sicken the frail and/or elderly and/or exacerbate their conditions). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated. You're a conspiracy theorist if you wonder how many people die after vaccination of conditions that could be linked to vaccination.
If somebody who's elderly and/or with many health issues gets vaccinated and still gets Covid and dies: The death is somehow due to the Covid part of the equation and not the vaccine part of the equation by people who have no idea what the true contributors were. And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.
If somebody who's healthy gets vaccinated and gets Covid and doesn't get very sick: They would have gotten much much sicker or even died if they hadn't been vaccinated (even though there is no way to know that, and even though scientists and CDC say most unvaccinated people who get Covid with have few or mild symptoms and recover with no significant effects). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.
If somebody who's healthy gets vaccinated and gets Covid and becomes pretty ill: They would have gotten much much sicker or even died if they hadn't been vaccinated (even though there is no way to know that, and even though scientists and CDC say most unvaccinated people who get Covid with have few or mild symptoms and recover with no significant effects). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.
If somebody gets vaccinated and dies of heart attack, stroke, fall, cancer or other causes: The death is definitely not due to the vaccine; don't even ask. It's due to their genetics or preexisting conditions (even though scientists say vaccination can aggravate genetic or preexisting conditions). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated. You're a conspiracy theorist even if you wonder how many people die after vaccination of conditions that could have been exacerbated by vaccination.
If somebody gets vaccinated and dies months later: The death is definitely not due to the vaccine (even though scientists say side effects caused by vaccines can manifest months or years after vaccination). And it proves how important it is to get vaccinated.
Why is this so important? As long as pharma interests keep people from asking logical questions, the vaccines will be less likely to be improved to harm fewer people, and we will sacrifice the health and lives of susceptible people that could be cautioned against their use in their current formulation if the risk for them is high.
Furthermore people are smarter than the narratives assume. Because the narratives make no logical sense, it destroys confidence in our public health officials and vaccine system, doing great potential harm to public health.
Anyone who thinks they understand what's really going on with Covid and is buying the "Everyone should get vaccinated and boosted" narrative needs to spend some time on the OPEN VARES website.
This site asks for no donations and is NOT funded by special interest groups. It just mines the CDC's VARES databased for information. The CDC VARES database is REALLY hard to work with and the OPENVARES website is wonderful. Between you and me it's likely I'm the only one of us who has entered a reaction into the VARES database and I can tell you with absolute certainty that this database is not being filled with bogus data and I totally believe the studies which indicate reactions are massively underreported. Best case VARES is capturing 10%. Worst case it's capturing 2% and my best guess it's reporting about 5% of all reactions.
If 10% of reactions are being reported then there have been about 20 million reactions to the vaccine and likely 269,000 deaths associated with the shot just in the United States. I know this sounds crazy but wasn't it crazy when we all believed the government telling us to lock down for 15 days to flatten the curve? Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me... Right?
FYI, as of October 2021 the NIH believes the vaccines have saved 140,000 people.
I bet you thought the vaccine had saved many more lives? I know I sure did!
This is not a freaking conspiracy... This is just looking at the VARES database data and getting info from government websites.
Once again I got vaccinated and recommended that all of my friends, who don't have a medical reason not to get vaccinated, get vaccinated. I got COVID and based on the science that existed prior to the politicization of science I'm NOT getting boosted unless a booster is required by the government for me to live free.
I think is beyond BULLSHIT what our government has done in the name of science these last two years. Through 1789-1790 (ish) our fledgling country was experiencing a massive Small Pox outbreak. Small Pox is as contagious as Covid and 30% of those who contracted the virus back then died. It's insane that the government has taken so many authoritarian actions against it's citizens, such as lock downs of the healthy, etc... when you consider when the Constitution was written and ratified.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Hunter Biden's Laptop and the MSM Disinformation Campaign
Here's some news that I've known since before the the last election that the MSM is now just admitted is true.
UPDATE 4/10/2022 The Washington agenda now involves damage control or more likely taking out Hunter and possibly his father. Stay tuned as this is going to get nasty.
The NY Times has finally admitted that Hunter Biden's laptop was NOT Russian disinformation.
I guess those 50 intelligence experts just got it wrong. Kinda like the 17 intelligence agencies that concluded the Russians interfered with the 2016 election to help Trump. Everyone in the MSM conveniently forgets that James Clapper testified under oath only the FBI, CIA and the NSA concluded the Russians interfered with our election. Of course the FBI and CIA both hated Trump and got caught trying to get rid of him and the NSA (I'm just guessing) actually was the agency spying on Trump the candidate and Trump the President.
If you think the laptop isn't a big deal then let me offer this up. The NY Post is our nation's oldest paper and they were effectively censored just before the 2020 election with maybe the biggest actual political story in a generation and this censorship more than likely changed the outcome of the election.
Anyone who had a following that retweeted the NY Post Hunter Biden laptop story was banned from Twitter, Facebook, etc... I could only tell ten people at a time and then my sharing was shut down and the links I sent deleted. Then there was shadow banning which drove traffic down to a trickle and was absolutely used in the last half of 2016 against Trump and again in 2020.
"For the post-election survey, "The Polling Company" interviewed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, six of which (excluding North Carolina) were called for Biden. The voters were asked about their knowledge of eight news stories, all of which the liberal media had downplayed or censored."
The survey concluded that 17% of voters would not have supported Biden had they known about these stories before voting. When thoughtful people say the election was rigged they are not talking about dead people voting, trucks full of ballots or computer software switching votes. They are talking about damaging stories being suppressed to help Biden and being made up and spread to hurt Trump.
When Vice President Biden refuted the legitimacy of the laptop during the first Presidential debate the fact checkers backed him up. How is that even possible? How could they conclude the laptop was false without seeing it? Did any of the 50 intelligence experts seen it? The entire MSM said it was Russian disinformation with no further information and the liberal, leftist and some of the conservative electorate just bought it hook like and sinker. The President to this day has not corrected the record and even now perpetuates the lie.
It goes on and on and there are people to this day who absolutely believe the laptop is bogus and more than likely Russian disinformation. The Big Guy getting 10% had nothing to do with the Joe Biden. We didn't have to worry about Celtic being mentioned (Joe Biden's secret service code name) in the emails. Bottom line Vice President Biden and President Biden was not aware of his son's business dealings in Ukraine, China or Russia.
Turns out the laptop directly ties Joe Biden to his families grift machine, their shared bank account(s), their shared credit card(s) and Hunter paying for some of dad's bills.
Lastly if you think all of this is BS then look at what was being said about the laptop before the 2016 election to what we know now. Crazy the narrative was exactly opposite of reality.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Lift Sanctions on American Oil
How about lifting sanctions on the American oil industry? Seriously, ponder all the things the government has done to make America fossil fuel deplorable.
If any country did what the Biden Administration heaped upon the American oil industry it would be considered sanctions. Instead of buying Russian oil let's lift our own self-imposed sanctions on the American Fossil Fuel Industry.
What the Administration, American companies, banks and Wall Street have voluntarily done to reduce american energy production is as stupid as defunding the police.
In less than a year the Biden Administration and its sycophants have crushed America's energy independence. We are now begging OPEC and Russia to pump more. No matter how you slice it that's just freaking stupid!
Why in the hell are we buying Russian oil? It's widely reported that 60% of Russia's economy comes from oil and gas sales. Not only are these petrodollars used to buy weapons, Putin's threats to cut off natural gas to our allies during the winter is a weapon unto itself. When oil pays for weapons and our allies are winter natural gas hostages, it doesn't make any sense to shut down America production no matter what level you support the Green New Deal.
When the United States is the only country that massively reduced its greenhouse gas emissions, how does Russian oil shipped to the United States make any sense?
No doubt the "adults" are in charge, unfortunately they have dementia.
Friday, January 28, 2022
Georgia Ballot Boxes and The Big Lie
According to Main Stream Media (MSM) and the Democratic party the "BIG LIE" is President Trump and Republicans refusing to accept the 2020 defeat by blaming their loss upon widespread voter fraud.
However, we now know that the Georgia's Secretary of State is interested in missing ballot box custody documents for thousands of votes in the Fulton Country Area. There is no doubt that election workers will be fired and it's looking like Fulton County's next election will be conducted by the state of Georgia, not local officials. I'm positive that more voting irregularities will come to the surface and I'm looking at what "True the Vote" is undertaking.
This makes me ponder what to call a two plus year, $40 million dollar investigation into the Trump campaign colluding with Russia and specifically Vladimir Putin. That investigation hobbled a newly elected President and has produced nothing. Yet it's perfectly clear millions of American's not only believe but absolutely know President Trump colluded with the Russians. The Russian Hoax continues to this day but it's not the "Big Lie"?
Mark Zuckerberg spent about $419 million dollars (easily the largest dark money contribution in history) to ensure people in high density areas of the country, mostly swing states, could have easy access to vote in the 2020 Presidential election. This mostly included giving grants to non-partisan election officials who used the funds to register millions on new voters. To get ballots to these new voters. To hold special "vote in the park" events. To put up a few thousand ballot drop boxes. To get out the vote and when the absentee votes came back missing signatures, addresses, etc... To cure those ballots.
The big lie is the bulk of this was done in states that mattered and in areas that would increase the democratic vote. It's hard to argue that getting more people to register and vote is a bad thing but when done is "specific" areas the 14th amendment, which clearly states that all American's are to be treated equally, is violated. You can't discriminate on who is helped to vote based on race, religion, sex or political affiliation.
To me the "Big Lie" is the media and Democratic talking heads stating over and over just days after the election, based on no factual evidence that the 2020 election was the "most secure in history." Trump’s own officials say 2020 was America’s most secure election in history. Knowing full well that it takes months if not years to dig into potential election irregularities. Yet the talking heads concluded unanimously there were no significant problems with the election in months if not days. However, the Left just couldn't let their efforts go unrecognized. Molly Ball's Time Magazine article spelled out exactly how the left highjacked the 2020 election.
To me this is NOT about dead people voting. It's not about felons voting. It's not about people voting twice, truck loads of ballots showing up or computer programs switching votes. That's a narrative that's designed to be the shinny object. The real issues were Hunter Biden's laptop being labeled Russian disinformation. The Atlantic's "Suckers and Losers" story that was soundly debunked but will lived on for many voters until they die. The suppression of news, social media and the shadow banning that became so obvious when emails and text messages didn't go through while Facebook and Twitter limited the number of "friends" you could reach.
It's crazy that so many stories banned by social media before the 2020 election have now been proven true. What's next? When will the America people realize that there are coordinated efforts to control what they can learn and how they vote. The 2020 election was NOT the most secure in history and the facts will continue to come out to show this. What will happen to those responsible for "stealing" this election remains to be seen but if history repeats not much of anything. If history repeats those that coordinated the lies will be rewarded with high level government positions in the Biden Administration.
Never in history has a sitting President gained a staggering 11,231,497 votes from one election to the next and and lost.
Vaccinations are 90% Effective?
As of Monday four cities in Maine are back to wearing masks indoors. I went looking for reasons why and I saw this in the Portland paper with zero push back.
"Vaccinations are 90% effective at keeping those with Omicron out of hospitals..."
People tend to believe what they read in their trusted local paper and this headline would indicate that if you get Omicron you have a 10% chance if ending up in the hospital. Of course you should wear a mask! OMG people must be dying like crazy... "Bring out your dead."
The problem is this isn't remotely true and sadly we may never actually know the numbers because we still don't know how many people have been infected. We don't know the "N".
A virus that you need a test to figure out if you have it still bogles my mind. Our elected leaders of today are the kids who dropped out of science, avoided calculus like the plague and took communication and political science classes. These are the people who see headlines and don't understand the basic reality that 10% of those infected with Omicron are NOT ending up in the hospital.
If you think I'm off base one only has to pull up comments from the Supreme Court classifying CO2, a gas that is essential to all life living on the dry surface of Earth, as a pollutant. More recently we have Sonia Sotomayor who recently claimed "We have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators."
Cloth masks, social distancing, masking outside, two weeks to flatten the curve, lack of therapeutics, lock downs of the healthy and seeing pictures of kids running cross country wearing masks have never made any sense.
It's that simple... Our leaders majored in communication, political science or became lawyers. To them the ability to interpret data is like asking me about subject verb agreement... It's just smoke and mirrors.
Saturday, January 8, 2022
January 6th Armed Insurrection
Here is something I've come to understand... News articles that don't allow comments are not worth reading. Which begs the question why doesn't my blog allow comments? I really need to rethink allowing comments.
Sunday, December 26, 2021
We Love to Fly and it Shows
It's been two years since I've flown Delta and now I remember why I stopped flying with them.
No it wasn't the bombastic overweight Indian fellow who talked too loudly and way too much on the PA system and in person which makes one wonder was this an episode of undercover boss?
No it wasn't the overhead light for 42C that after a few minutes got hot and then flickered. I really wanted to read my Christmas book but I feared I or a fellow passenger would be triggered in to a full grand mall seizure if I did.
No it wasn't the 83 degree average temperature during the last half of the flight which makes me ask why I didn't strip down to my v-neck t-shirt. My light weight, 100% Egyptian cotton, dress shirt with sleeves rolled up felt like a full fledge Minnesota ugly Christmas sweater.
Was it the 8 hour flight (120 knot headwinds) with two "drink" rounds accompanied by gold fish or biscotti that made this flight unbearable? No beer, no mixed drinks, no box lunch... nothing but none alcoholic drinks, goldfish and biscotti?
The airlines have clearly used the Pandemic to end the "customer experience" albeit shitty as it had become over the last few decades. Gone are hot towels, drinks, warm meals and a microwaved cookie. Food service is and has always been an economical looser for the airlines but it makes the experience bearable. I'm at the point in my life that I can afford to upgrade but why bother as it doesn't look any better up front.
What about the flight attendants? I saw one that seemed to enjoy her job. Yes just one. Not including the Indian guy who liked his job WAY to much and reminded me of my friend Doug on steroids most of the flight attendants (post pushing the "drink" cart) sat behind curtains playing with their phones.
Some how the airlines don't understand that cabin class flyers are their future business and 1st class customers. Have the airline CEOs collectively forgotten the Happy Meal? Their future profit centers are being aborted in their 40s and 50s. My wife, who is a crazy seasoned traveler said this might be her last long haul flight. She seriously is pondering cancelling our return leg and renting a car. A car? She would rather drive cross country than fly Delta?
So what is the real reason our Delta flight sucked? One thing is for sure... The masks have got to go.
The government is slowly crushing our humanity. Instead of masks of questionable value (two out of four airline CEOs said they are essential stupid) how about taking everyone's temperature at security and actually keep sick people out of the airport and thus not flying next to me?
Furthermore, taking temperatures shouldn't stop with the pandemic. How many times have you flown next to or near someone obviously sick? We all have and that needs to stop. Trip insurance should become mandatory and a fever at security or a note from your doctor should be enough to invoke coverage with no questions asked.
Last but not least the 757-200 with it's 3x3 seating configuration should be retired in the United States. No doubt some foreign airlines would love to have them but Americans are just too big. At 6' 3" and 260 lbs I'm happy with all Airbus models and even what Southwest flies but I'm never going to be happy on a 757 unless I'm in front. It's so clear Airbus has the edge and the 757-200 either needs to reconfigure or be sold to nations with predominantly skinny people.
So our airports suck, the planes suck, the inflight experience sucks and yet airlines are back to flying millions of people each day. Does that mean America sucks?
So there you go... Our flight was just really bad. However, it doesn't come close to a 28 hour flight in a military cargo jet, freezing you ass off with yellow ear plugs and little fuzzy blue blanket but it was surprisingly close.
My one takeaway would be utilize temperature checks instead of masks. Make that argument, organize the resistance and get this changed. Remember the FAA for all practical purposes works for airlines why not for once use regulatory capture for good?
Lastly I guess Delta earned one greatful thanks from me... At least I didn't end up ducktaped to my seat sipping apple juice through a straw.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Kids Shouldn't Be Vaccinated
Kids not getting the shot seems obvious but clearly it's not. Before I try to explain the obvious let me be clear, kids should get almost all the modern vaccines required for babies, children, adolescents and if appropriate as college bound young adults.
That said, parents must do their own research and decide on each and every shot. They should try to spread them out and absolutely make sure your baby/child/adolescent is 100% healthy before they get any inoculation or vaccine.
For example does a baby girl or a baby boy who is not going to be circumcised really need the vitamin K shot? Does a baby living in rural America really need the Hepatitis B shot? Does your not sexually active, lesbian 17 year old daughter need the HPV vaccine? Does your college bound son need the Chickenpox vaccine if they already had Chickenpox?
Okay so lets agree that vaccines are one of, if not the greatest medical advancement in the history of mankind. They have saved millions of lives and given so many a better standard of living. But what about the Covid-19 vaccine for kids?
So far since the beginning of the pandemic approximately 400 children have died of Covid-19. According to multiple sources (the CDC hasn't published squat) the vast majority of those deaths had other serious comorbidities in play. Essentially, kids don't get sick and die from Covid-19 and when they catch the bug most don't even know and statistically everyone but the already very sick, survive.
Undoubtedly, Covid-19 is less deadly to children than influenza and should be treated the same as the seasonal flu. The idea we should vaccinated our children to protect them is dumb. To vaccinate children to protect others is just as dumb because it's clear now the vaccine doesn't prevent spread and the effectiveness appears to significantly drop in as little as three months going to 50% in six months.
There are approximately 75 million children under the age of 19 in America. Why are we even considering injecting them with a still arguably untested vaccine that may or may not be abled to save some of the 400 young lives already lost to Covid-19?
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Did Sweden Get Covid Wrong?
I've been going on and on with a good friend regarding Covid. We both have gotten the shot and I'm guessing we both will get the booster. It's a no brainer for people our age... greater than 50.
That's pretty much where our agreement ends. I'm looking at deaths and ages and have concluded Covid is a non-issue for kids. Statistically as close to zero chance of death as life can give you. After 30 it really starts making sense to get the shot that is unless you have natural immunity. If you're 40 or older, even in good health, getting the shot makes solid sense.
Then there is the VARES data base which we are being told by the MSM is totally worthless. Don't even bother looking at it. Kinda crazy saying something the federal government spends millions on every year is worthless. Makes you wonder why the government bothers.
Sometimes the story is actually what's not being reported. Remember how the MSM went after the Swedish government because they were killing people by the thousands with their approach and policies? Now? Crickets...
A few things have crystallized this for me:
#1 Why are vaccinated people so afraid of the unvaccinated?
#2 Why haven't we heard anything about Sweden for months?
#3 Why is Rand Paul the only politician that keeps pointing out natural immunity is being ignored when it's clearly better than the all of the freaking vaccines?
#4 Why are we firing nurses who have been in the trenches for going on 21 months for not getting vaccinated... Even if they already had Covid?
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Covid-19 is Dead To Me
They need folks who fill the planes smoke tanks, move planes around, move the performers around, deal with flat tires, jump starts, deal with the influx of little planes who fly into a show to avoid the crowded roads, etc...
Loading smoke oil and helping move planes was my gig. Moving a plane that cost a few million takes a lot of people to ensure zero issues.
We had one flat tire the first day and three planes that wouldn't start (acrobat planes have really small batteries) the next. I met the Lucas Oil and T-33 pilot and got to know the parents of a world champion freestyle aerobatic pilot. Got their son to take a picture of our crew... Too funny.
My COVID-19 observation at the airshow... Unscientifically my guess is 1 in 500 adults wore a mask.
Clearly people in Maine are sick of being afraid, they are sick of masks and they sick of being told what to do expecially when the script they are being told keeps changing. They've had enough of the panic porn that the media has been feeding them for going on two years.
I've come to a conclusion... You're not going to like it... Until the death rate from Covid matches the normal U.S. daily death rate of roughly 7,500 I'm not going to bother talking about this anymore. Statistically, it's not killing kids and the odds of Covid taking out someone who is healthy, like the finger of God, is so low it's not even something to bother with.
Talking about kids dying of Covid is the equivalent of global warming alarmists discussing how bad methane is... FYI, atmospheric methane is measured in parts per billion and if you're talking about this causing hurricanes you are barbecuing the shark you landed and killed while jumping.
Screw the media and screw the Chinese who knew about this Virus in the Fall of 2018. They knew that it spread human to human when they said it didn't. The Chinese government stopped all domestic flights from Wuhan but continuing them internationally. If this isn't a smoking gun what is!
I'm done... I refuse to to discuss this further and will wait to see what history writes about this most despicable chapter in our national history.
PS Last gasp... My math... Let's go big.
600,000 deaths thus far. I use this number to offset the deaths WITH Covid so hospitals get extra money.
Roughly half of all deaths are over 79 years old with serious comorbidities. Aka foot in the grave. Most people do know we all eventually die right?
So now we are down to 300,000 deaths.
The bulk of these deaths are over 50 with serious medical issues. If you're morbidly obese with diabetes, kidney failure, cancer, etc... and get Covid the odds are you will still likely survive... Seriously, it's crazy how many really sick people survive Covid.
What blows me away is how perfectly healthy people get it and die... Sometimes in days.
The humane genome is crazy and it's likely something that our ancestors survived is helping many today. Maybe it's like how 1/10 of Northern European males are essentially immune from Aids.
Furthermore, it's possible that some young healthy people, who are seemingly randomly struck down are actually not healthy. Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans. Heart disease kills more Americans every year than COVID-19 has killed in the last 20 months. Many people have no idea they are ticking time bombs. How's your heart?
So I'm down to roughly 150,000 people dead in the United States that shouldn't have died AND their deaths are tragic.
My point...
331,000,000 Americans
150,000 tragic deaths
So far we have "tragically" lost 1 out of every 4,500 Americans.
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Martin Luther King was a Republican?
Bath, Maine and it's August 28th. The days are getting shorter, the ragweed is in full bloom and a former Navy S.E.A.L. takes aim at seven term Congresswoman Pingree. The Maine Maritime Museum meeting room is packed and if there is any doubt that Ed is a politician, that was removed the moment he started talking.
I always knew Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, but today I learn that Martin Luther King not only gave his "I Have a Dream speech" on August 28th, he too was a Republican? Turns out there are many scholars who believe MLK was a Republican. Who knew?
Ed hit on so many topics that Republicans once embraced: from school choice, to the national debt, to legal immigration, to border security, to invoking the ghost of Reagan's "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". His talking points were not all popular with the crowd, but you knew he was sincere.
Although it didn't get the applause he wanted, Edwin made a solid point about the national debt. When the debt broke $10 trillion it was huge news and a grim milestone. When the debt surpassed $20 trillion, the nation barely noticed and now with the debt surpassing $30 trillion, it's a subject not discussed in polite society and I'm the only one quietly clapping.
Economists once argued the debt away saying it's just a fraction of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Thanks to the pandemic and progressive spending, that fraction now exceeds 100% of our GDP while the government's ability to "print money" without any serious political pushback continues unabated. It's as though the common sense paradigm of not spending more than you make has been brutality beat up and is bleeding out internally.
Ed, in a good way, is different. For starters, he's humble, which normally isn't something associated with politicians. My hope is the voters of Maine's 1st Congressional District will see the choice they have, side by side, and realize our nation is desperate for leaders, not politicians who take action by forming committees.
Ed is not a shiny political diamond in the rough. He's not even a lump of coal. He's something totally different. His speech was slow and hinting to more going on behind those keen eyes. I've been around politicians for over 20 years. From State Reps, Members of Congress, to the Governor of Virginia. When retired Navy Chief Thelander looks at the crowd there is no doubt this is someone on a mission. He's not running to get out the vote for Governor LePage and drain Democrat resources. He's running to win and the next 437 days are going to be interesting.
PS A few hours after his announcement, I had the honor of meeting Edwin's father at our flying club BBQ (yes, Ed's a pilot). His dad is amazing and it turns out Mr. Thelander (Sr), his son (Ed) and I all have something in common. We loved playing football and all three of us played offensive guard - a position that requires smarts, toughness and quickness. Ed has all three of those attributes in abundance and he is going to need everything he has to retire Maine's Chellie Pingree, the Minnesota girl turned 30-year career politician... Dontchaknow.
Thursday, August 19, 2021
3,000 Die Each Year from...
The CDC estimates that every year 48 million Americans get sick from food borne illness. Of those who get sick 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die.
To put things into perspective since the start of the pandemic fewer than 3,000 young people under the age of 30 have died of COVID. We do not know how many of those deaths involved seriously comorbidities.
Apparently the CDC doesn't think parents are interested in knowing how many healthy young people are actually dying from the virus.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Release the Jan 6th Capital Hill Rioters Pending Trial
Is Jacob Chansley the "QAnon Shaman" still in jail?
As of July 23rd it would seem Jacob is still in jail. Furthermore, you can't find a GoFundMe page or anything about him right now. So clearly our government can arrest someone and put them into solitary confinement for going on eight months for protesting an election they believe to have been rigged? I'm not sure how anyone can say this is equal justice under the law.
The government has claimed some of these rioters meant to capture and assassination elected officials. Oh my God! However, the DOJ has been forced to walk that back, meaning it was just bull shit, but yet millions of Americans still believe this to be absolutely true and justification for keeping Americans in jail.
Why isn't this a story?
What is the definition of political imprisonment?
I saw a police officer hang back and then strike a man on the head without warning. How is that not assault. The name of the officer who shot and killed Ashley Babbitt was identified by the Capital Deputy Sergeant at Arms during an official online meeting, open to the public. We don't know the officers name anymore? For most people using Google Lt. Michael L. Byrd's name doesn't exist and has been erased from the internet. How is that even possible?
What the hell is going on? How can hundreds of "mostly peaceful" protesters be charged with crimes that will likely result in many of them loosing their jobs and spending even more time in jail for simply walking into the Capital? The people's house? Very few protesters were violent and those absolutely should be punished. But everyone has seen the videos of police calmly talking to those in the Capital must know something isn't right.
The worst thing I heard was story after story of some nut job wiping poop on the Capital walls. That's almost certainly fake news because if it was a real there would be a shit tons of pictures all over the internet... Prove me wrong, go find them!
How many priceless paintings, statues, etc... Were damaged? How many fires were set? How many guns confiscated? How many police officers spent the night in the hospital? Was anyone blinded by green lasers? Did the FBI have agents/people amoung the riotors? Did they participate? It's hard to believe that the FBI didn't have anyone there undercover.
Within hours the Capital was back to business and within days you could hardly find evidence that anything had happened. The Capital wasn't a burning hulk as one would seemingly think if you listen to the MSM's rhetoric.
Release the Capital videos, let those without any prior criminal history out of jail immediately and stop the charade that this was an insurrection or anything close to an insurrection. The worst thing since the freaking civil war!
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
DOD Mandates Masks Outside
Here is an August 3rd, 2021 Naval Station San Diego picture of a lone sailor on the bridge wing and sailors working on the fo'c's'le outside wearing masks.
No idea what the Navy's actual policy is but study after study has made it clear that cloth masks are not only ineffective they may do just the opposite. Toss in being outside and I just shake my head.
You don't have to go much further to know our military has jumped the shark and gone full woke. Why does the military conduct studies if their not going to use the knowledge learned?
Unless these men and women are hiding N95 or N100 respirators under those black masks, not touching them and regularly changing them out they are being duped into thinking they are safe from Covid-19.
So much has been done wrong during COVID it's beyond belief. From those with natural immunity still being "required" to get vaccinated with an experimental authorized use vaccine to seemingly being required to wear masks outside when the science is so one-sided is just stupid.
I don't fully understand what is going on but if I had to guess our military "leaders" are making decisions that they know are wrong but will result in the lowest possiblity of blow back on them. If sailors wear masks for the next two years and the only downside is leadership being mocked it's a win. If they don't wear masks and a single death is attributed to their policy they could be court martialed.
Friday, June 25, 2021
Newspapers Given 61,195 Ballots for Analysis
"A newspaper review of Florida's ''undervote'' ballots concludes that President Bush would almost certainly have still won the state had the United States Supreme Court allowed a hand recount to be completed."
In April of 2001 Florida election officials gave actual ballots to: The Associated Press, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, The Palm Beach Post, The St. Petersburg Times, The Wall Street Journals The Orlando Sentinel and The Sun-Sentinel for analysis.
In 2021 Democrats are fighting tooth and nail against every effort to audit any part of the 2020 election. It has gotten to the point an Arizona judge had to explain to the Democrat's lawyers the reason for ballots not being destroyed for 24 months was to allow audits.
So in 2001 it's ballots for the media but in 2021 giving them to to the State Senate of Arizona is a bridge too far?
Here is what was reported twenty years ago:
The Miami Herald and USA Today reported in Wednesday's papers that Mr. Bush would have expanded his 537-vote margin of victory to 1,665 votes if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court had gone ahead under the most inclusive standards, where even partial punches and dimples were counted as votes.
The results bucked the expectations of both the Democratic and Republican teams during the Florida recount contest, finding that the more inclusive standards sought by Mr. Gore would have helped Mr. Bush. And the strictest standard sought by Republicans -- that only clean ballot punches be counted -- would have given Mr. Gore victory by three votes. Both newspapers said that was too close to withstand the possibility of errors.
"Many Americans were asking the question, What would the result be if the Florida Supreme Court's order to conduct hand recounts in all 67 counties were carried out?'' Martin Baron, the Herald's executive editor, said today. ''We felt it was our responsibility to answer questions that so many people had.''
The review of 61,195 undervotes did not examine the approximately 110,000 overvotes in the election. Both papers are planning a separate analysis of the overvote next month.
Gore supporters were quick to interpret the newspaper findings today as evidence that the vice president should have won Florida's 25 electoral votes and thus the presidency.
Doug Hattaway, Mr. Gore's national campaign spokesman and now a Democratic consultant in Boston, said: ''What this shows is that if you count the voter's intent, Gore wins. If you look for excuses not to count votes, Bush does better.''
A White House spokesman, Ken Lisaius, countered that the 537-vote victory was the correct tally.
''The law of the land are those rules that were in place on Election Day,'' Mr. Lisaius said. ''Using that standard, President Bush won on Election Day''
In 2001 newspapers were given ballots to physically review but audits in 2021 are only being allowed after long drawn-out legal battles should blow your mind. It blows mine!
Judge Robert Rosenberg looking at Chads |
Note: The audit in Georgia... County officials will NOT let auditors touch the actual ballots. The solution was a 200 DPI scan of the audits. A judge ruled that was not good enough and ordered the ballots rescanned at 600 DPI. My question... Isn't it obvious the actual ballots should be turned over for review. I seriously doubt the laws, rules, guidance, etc... on audits was written so recently to incorporate the possibility of scanning millions of ballots. Why isn't this itself not a story?
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Social Class and Family Structure
BLM is finally being seen for what it is... A loosely coordinated group that is collecting millions of dollars with no transparency as to where that money is being spent. My gut tells me the leadership of BLM are scammers at best who clearly don't have the best interests of Black lives at heart.
No doubt BLM is a great slogan that few disagree with but it's wrapped around a movement that is anti American, anti family, anti capitalism, anti tolerant, anti police and anti white. This organization systemically ignores the facts. Blacks should not fear the police, they should fear other blacks with handguns.
The odds of an unarmed black man being killed by police is significantly less than getting hit by lightning. In the United States lightning kills an average of 49 people each year and hundreds more are injured. If an unarmed black man is five times more likely to get hit by lightning than killed by a cop what about an unarmed black man who is cooperating with the police?
Every year fewer than a dozen unarmed black men are killed by the police. I don't know the percentage of these who were not resisting arrest but all indicators indicate it's one or two. Even when tragic mistakes are made, such as shooting a gun verses a taser, the victim is nearly always resisting arrest. Bottom line cops are not pulling over Blacks and killing them... PERIOD.
The cold blooded killing of Black men is part of our nations history but I can't find a single example of this in 21st century America. The last lynching in America is usually stated as March 21, 1981 but in fact that was a racially motivated murder by two members of the KKK. According to the Tuskegee Institute a lynching requires the participation of three or more. The last lynching recorded 66 years ago by the Tuskegee Institute was that of Emmet Till in 1955.
The April 3rd, 2021 "Economist" states that a recent English study determined "race is less important than social class and family structure in explaining inequality." This research into what most of use know as common sense immediately brought the predictable US Media backlash. Since when is the truth controversial?
If Leftists keep pushing false narratives it's only a matter of time before the truth wins out. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. The truth is hiding in plain sight. Crime is a huge systemic problem in many major cities and only then in specific areas within those cities. Study after study indicates if resources are focused on those specific areas within cities crime can be significantly reduced.
Without law an order there is no hope for economic success. Without economic success there is no hope for change. Without change there is no hope that America's economically disadvantaged groups will become self sufficient. One little known truth that is completely ignored by everyone is that crime actually doesn't pay for the vast majority of those who participate in it. When you add in the potential for incarceration, injury or death there is no doubt crime is a loosing proposition.
The rule of law, laws being enforced, laws being enforced fairly and equally... These are the fundamental building blocks of any society. Tear these away and the results are obvious and dramatic. American doesn't need BLM dividing us into groups an fostering fear and hatred. No one should be assumed guilty of anything based on their skin color. America needs cops to police the very worst areas of our inner cities. The thin blue line is real and it's what makes everything possible in this wonderful experiment that is American.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Masks Off... Not So Fast
On May 13th, the CDC, out of the blue, announced that if you have been fully vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask. The CDC continues to ignore the millions of people who have already had Covid-19 and do not need a shot. I absolutely think they should toss in if you have had the virus but heck that's just me... Someone who actually follows the science.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Google's Suppression of News Will Continue
Google is the world's largest search engine but is it the Ministry of Truth?
Follow the science... We all know someone who got Covid-19 and got very sick, came close to death or maybe even died. We all know people who got sick, got over it and are fine. I bet there are just as many people who got it and never knew they had it. No doubt the virus was serious, but still it turned out to have a death rate a few times more lethal than the flu, NOT a dozen, a hundred or a thousand times my lethal.
Furthermore, it turns out it was virtually impossible to spread outdoors and the government knew this over a year ago. For the most part, Trump rallies, BLM protests and the Sturgis motorcycle rally absolutely proved this to normal Americans. Anyone following the science understood you didn't need a mask while taking rover out for his morning dump.
By my estimate 80 percent of those dying were over the age of 75 and (REPEAT... AND) had at least one serious comorbidity if not two or three. The typical death stuck down unhealthy 80 year-olds like the bubonic plague. Covid-19 was bad but it absolutely wasn't the Spanish Flu. Furthermore, it's becoming more and more obvious that our medical "experts" not only got it wrong in so many different ways, they are now like most government institutions and have become politicized to a degree that their ability to following the science is nearly impossible.
I'm sorry to say getting back to normal is not going to happen for millions of Americans. Nothing we can do or say will allow some of us to get back to normal. Why? Because so many of us were not "normal" to begin with and there is nothing new can do to help the neurotic. The real sad fact is many of those very same people are the "elite" and many are part of the "ruling" class.
By the end of March 20th, 2020 it was so obvious to me, and many others, this wasn't going to kill millions I donated all but two of my N-100 masks to medical professionals and elderly friends. Don't think I'm virtue signaling. I tried to sell them on eBay but eBay banned the selling of masks, even at cost. Thus depriving the country of yet another effective way of getting a critical resource to where it was needed most. That was a huge signal to me that eBay had gone socialist as well.
So many things have been exposed by this pandemic... I hope we learn something and the thousands of lives cut short or tragically lost are not totally in vain.
Note: For more insight to how the National Institute of Health (NIH) became the bastion of Dr.. Anthony Fauci look up "The Yellow Berets".
Friday, May 14, 2021
CDC Finally Says No Mask if Vaccinated
For some reason the CDC, kinda out of the blue, announced yesterday that if you have been fully vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask. I absolutely think they should toss in if you have had the virus but that would indicate a basic understanding of virology.
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Outboard Engine Repair Leads to $11,000 Forgivable PPP Loan!
My motor mounts needed replacement and my lower was starting to make metal. So I had the power head checked hoping it was in bad shape, (can you say new motor :-) but the compression numbers were solid. Talked to a legendary retired outboard motor mechanic who had been working for himself for years and it turned out he had a newer freshwater Mercury 115 that had excellent motor mounts and a solid lower but a blown head.
A match made in heaven?
For just under $2,000 he swapped heads and mounted the new engine.
But wait... We got to talking and he didn't know anything about the PPP loan program or that it had been changed to help guys like him and just extended to May 31st.
So it was truly a win, win... The SBA (Small Business Association) Schedule C forgivable PPP loan program is officially over at the end of the month but I'm convinced it's going to run out of money before then. So if you know anyone who is self employed and hasn't taken PPP money in the past tell them to check out the SBA Website ASAP!