Monday, April 22, 2024

Trump Indicted Again?

U.S. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged Trump with 34 felonies of "Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree". Why didn't the Justice Department, the IRS or the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) prosecute Trump?

New York State Attorney General Letitia James files a civil suit on behalf of banks who where defrauded by Donald Trump overstating the value of his business assets. Why didn't the banks involved file suit or join the prosecution?

Georgia Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis Charges Trump and others with creating a "criminal racketeering enterprise", in which Trump and other defendants "knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome" of the 2020 U.S. presidential election in Georgia. Why wasn't this case dropped after the actual phone call became public and the Washington Post retracted their inflammatory story?

There are two full blown Justice Department "investigations/prosecutions" underway by Jack Smith for January 6th and the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. With the release of the January 6th footage and the discovery of President Biden's classified documents in three locations from his time as Senator and Vice President the justification to prosecute Trump become Kabuki Theater on crack.

Alvin Bragg is a big guy but he's just one of sixty-two District Attorney's in the State of New York. Both Alvin Bragg and Letitia James promised their Trump hating voters they would prosecute Donald Trump. When you run for office promising to prosecute someone that's a promise you need to keep and "well, son of a bitch" they both kept their promise.

The Big Flaws in Bragg's prosecution:

- It was a campaign promise

- It exceeded the statue of limitations

- Falsifying business records is not a felony 

- It's not illegal to pay for someone's silence 

- The proper jurisdiction is the FEC and the FEC reviewed and passed on the case

- The Department of Justice also passed on the case

I don't know what is going to happen but many legal minds have repeatedly stated if you're going to prosecute a former President of the United States the case needs to be absolutely airtight. The odds that the FEC and DOJ passed on an airtight case are slim to none. Thinking that District Attorney Alvin Bragg has managed to cobble together an air tight cased when the FEC, DOJ and Attorney General of New York failed is not believable. 

What about the New York State Attorney General Letitia James civil lawsuit? For starters it's a civil lawsuit on behalf of banks that didn't miss a single loan payment and have no grounds to sue. Can government file a civil lawsuit? Sure but filing a lawsuit for a victimless crime involving a former president and the likely Republican candidate for President seems a tad much. Note - That was sarcasm.

What about the Georgia Fulton County election manipulation case? After obtaining a recording of the phone call the Washington Post "retracted" their story but Fulton County continues?

Finally, the release of an additional 44,000 hours of Capital Hill video and the FBI's actions and leaks before, during and after the Mar-a-Lago raid call into question so many things.

Will Trump be found guilty of these charges? Absolutely... My guess is 100% guilty on all charges. Our country is broken and my personal opinion it's going to take someone like Vivek Ramaswammy or Trump to take down the permanent bureaucracy. However, Mark Zuckerberg and "Zuckbucks" likely ended that possibility but stranger things have happened.

PS Special Counsel Jack Smith has a checkered past when it comes to political prosecutions. The Obama Justice Department tapped Jack Smith to prosecute Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, the up-and-coming Republican rock star and potential Vice President pick of Mitt Romney. Smith offered McDonnell a plea agreement that Bob refused and he was found guilty on 11 corruption charges, innocent of the plea agreement charge and sentenced to two years in prison. A year later SCOTUS unanimously overruled and remanded the case back to the lower court. What else will Jack Smith get wrong this time? Understanding the very concept of free speech and his oath of office prevents him from prosecuting cases he knows are bogus.