Saturday, May 7, 2022

Elizabeth Warren is Shocked and Angry?

Elizabeth Warren is right "We have reached the cumulation of what Republicans have been fighting for, angling for decades..." How crazy is it for anyone to be so angry at something at least half of the country wants to see changed. Something that has been in the works for literally decades.

According to Ted Cruz 6% of Americans support abortion up until birth. However, further polling indicates only 19% of Americans support abortion in the third trimester. It's so obvious that the far left, those aligned with the abortion on demand at anytime, the 6% of the population are absolutely in control of the Democratic party.

The vast majority of Americans agree that late term abortions are morally abhorrent. That said the bulk of Americans believe abortion should be safe, legal and rare. How rare is really the issue. The Catholic church and the far right absolutely believe life begins at conception which is obviously true in that babies are born. That said, scientifically it's tough to argue that a lump of cells is sentient. However, four out of five Americans believe abortion should not be allowed in the third trimester.

So the argument is what should be done in the 2nd trimester. When does the fetus feel pain? When is the fetus aware? When is the fetus viable? When does the fetus become sentient? 

The bottom line when does the fetus become a person?

These questions are debatable and something the country needs to figure out. Clearly Row v. Wade has not settled this argument. I think it makes sense to send this question back to the states and let the states figure this out. Again, it's impossible to argue Row v. Wade was a good decision. Based on recent laws allowing abortion up to the moment of birth in New York on it's face it would seem it was a bad decision and should be reconsidered.

Facts to ponder:

- Late term abortions are not rare. Roughly 10,000 are performed every year in the United States.

- Since Row v. Wade the total number of abortions in the United States equals the current population of Australia and Canada combined.

- Only a fraction of Americans support abortion just prior to birth but that fraction equals 15,000,000 people and they are very loud and a political force.

- 29% of Adult Americans believe life starts at conception.

- Only seven countries allow abortion after 20 weeks: North Korea, Vietnam, China, Canada, Netherlands, Singapore and the United States