- Carbon Dioxide ⬆406.94 parts per million
- Global Temperature ⬆1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880
- Arctic Ice Minimum ⬇13.2 percent per decade
- Land Ice ⬇286.0 Gigatonnes per year
- Sea Level ⬆3.4 millimeters per year
Carbon Dioxide ⬆406.94 parts per million?
406.94 is the total amount of C02 in the atmosphere not the increase. It should read:
Carbon Dioxide ⬆116.14 parts per million since 1880
It's easy to find NASA's CO2 readings and CO2 has been accurately recorded since 1850. Even NASA acknowledges man's CO2 contributions were insignificant until the late 1940s. If you back out the naturally occurring CO2 increase due temperature increases and crunch the numbers, the man made increase in CO2 is roughly 75 ppm since 1850.
Maybe NASA believes a 75 ppm increase in a gas essential to life on Earth is not titillating enough to warrant billions of dollars being spent annually researching an issue that is settled science.
There is no doubt most scientists acknowledge the Earth has warmed and oceans have risen for the last few hundred years. It's clear, based on ocean level records that we have been warming for about 11,000 years with intermittent periods of cooling. Please note the Earth is still in the
Pleistocene ice Age and there is little to no evidence to suggest this is going to end anytime soon.
Coordinating thousands upon thousands of historical temperature readings, extrapolating readings from areas with no measurements, determining various heat sink effects, blending different temperature proxies is fraught with systematic error and bias.
Using ocean levels as a temperature proxy sure seems to be a better way to determine the past, present and possibly future climate changes.
There is no doubt most scientists acknowledge the Earth has warmed and oceans have risen for the last few hundred years. It's clear, based on ocean level records that we have been warming for about 11,000 years with intermittent periods of cooling. Please note the Earth is still in the
Pleistocene ice Age and there is little to no evidence to suggest this is going to end anytime soon.
Coordinating thousands upon thousands of historical temperature readings, extrapolating readings from areas with no measurements, determining various heat sink effects, blending different temperature proxies is fraught with systematic error and bias.
Using ocean levels as a temperature proxy sure seems to be a better way to determine the past, present and possibly future climate changes.
Understanding sea level rise isn't rocket science. A rise in sea level commiserate to that experienced during the Roman Empire can be dealt with. It's important to note very few people vacation where it's cold and even NASA says the greening of the planet, do to increased CO2, is a good thing.