Sunday, March 9, 2014

Senate Democrats Plan Climate Change Filibuster

I'm one of those pesky scientists (by education) that say the 33% increase in atmospheric C02 is due to man, the Earth is warming and sea levels are rising.   But I also point out man's CO2 contribution represents just a tiny 1 in 10,000 increase when correctly compared to the entire atmosphere.

The Earth isn't Venus and if someone can explain how a $1 dollar increase in a $10,000 budget is responsible for increased temperatures and sea levels over the last 100 years, I would be greatly interested. FYI, PFM doesn't work for me.

Basic math, like knowing what three gases make up 99.96% of the atmosphere, seem beyond nearly everyone I talk with.

My suggestion? Let's do something productive and help China and India build and retrofit their coal fired electrical plants with state of the art scrubbers. :-)

PS  78.082687 + 20.945648 + .933984 = 99.962319