Monday, July 9, 2012

The Virginian-Pilot
© July 7, 2012

We need some price tags

Recently, former U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle, a Democrat, said, 'Health care is probably the only sector in this economy where at the time of purchase you don't know what it's going to cost or who is going to pay.'

When I heard Daschle say this, I was flummoxed. I agree with Tom Daschle?

The Affordable Health Care Act includes roughly twice the number of words as 'Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix,' and is full of good ideas and new taxes, but it never mentions cost transparency.

I'm tired of having very little, if any, clue about what something is going to cost before a doctor's visit or medical procedure. I'm tired of asking about the cost and getting nothing but a blank stare.

Dave Beemer
Virginia Beach

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Transparent Healthcare

Last Sunday Tom Daschle said "Healthcare is probably the only sector in this economy where at time of purchase you don't know what it's going to cost or who is going to pay."

When I heard Mr. Daschle say this I was flummoxed.  I replayed the segment a few times, wrote down his words and shook my head while muttering to myself - I concur with Tom Daschle?

The Affordable Health Care for America Act has roughly twice the words as Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix, is full of good ideas and new taxes but never mentions cost transparency.  I'm tired of having very little, if any clue what something is going to cost prior to a doctors visit or procedure.  I'm tied of asking and getting nothing but a cursory, "I'm sorry" to a deathly blank stare.

Is it overly simplistic to suggest that cost transparency might be the "Golden Snitch" of health care? Clearly both Tom and I think it's worth a try so why do we continue to practice 21st century medicine with 19th century billing?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Outboard Mercury 115 HP false low oil alarm.

The alarm goes beep, beep, beep and it's really loud!  Besides low oil there are basically three things that can cause this alarm to fail and go off.  The sensor fails, the tank magnet separates from the float or the low oil warning module fails.

The sensor is a bit thinner than a pencil and about two inches long.  It is likely the 1st thing you want to check because it's easy.  With the ignition on (alarm is going off) remove the single screw at the bottom of the tank and pull out the sensor by carefully tugging on the two wires.  It should just slide out.  Once out the alarm may stop.  If it does stop take a strong magnet and put it near the sensor.  If the alarm goes back on you can assume the magnet in the tank has separated from it's float. I've been told this is common and because it's a molded unit you have to buy a new tank:  Part #8628A7

If nothing happens when you pull the sensor and touch it with a magnet it could be a bad sensor or it could be a bad alarm unit:  Part #14857A6

I read many reports of owners who had this problem and just disconnected the sensor or cut wires that later ran out of oil and destroyed their engine which is going to cost you about $8,000.  A new tank (with magnet float) is about $60 bucks and not that tough to install yourself or you could pay $250 to have it done.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Water Vapor is the Primary Greenhouse Gas

Re "CARBON INCREASES, APATHY HOLDS STEADY" Sunday Virginian Pilot 6/3/12

The Pilot's "view" states that CO2 is the primary greenhouse gas and the chief culprit in Earth's rising temperatures.

This is just not true.  As a scientist I find myself constantly explaining that 99.96% of the Earth's atmosphere is 78.08% Nitrogen, 20.95% Oxygen and .93% Argon with the primary greenhouse gas being water vapor - not CO2.  The end of the last glacial period was about 12,500 years ago and for many of us the Earth is not only warming, in Maine the crust is still rebounding roughly 1 cm per year from the weight of nearly two miles of ice recently melting.

Ice core data over the last 600,000 years show the Earth has repeatedly warmed and cooled and yes there is a correlation between rising temperatures and rising atmospheric CO2 levels but this correlation isn't as we have been lead to believe.  The increase in CO2 over the last 100+ years is partially man made but the prehistoric rise in CO2 had nothing to do with man. These increases were likely due to the world's oceans, tundra, and permafrost belching massive amounts of CO2 as the oceans an and soil warm.  I'm not saying the Earth isn't warming - I'm just saying that suggesting CO2 at 400 PPM (parts per million) and the associated infinitesimally weak greenhouse effect is causing global warming is like saying umbrellas cause rain.

Update March 1st 2017 - Turns out the 400,000 year saw tooth temperature and CO2 graph (below) that Al Gore used from the very beginning was misrepresented. Five years after Al Gore started to use this graph more data was filled in and it turns out that CO2 lags temperature by 400 to 1000 years. Even after molesting the data and assuming gas bubble migrate the conclusion from one highly respected group was CO2 lags by only 150 years which they used to dismiss the whole subject. I don't know what it's called when you dismiss science that doesn't fit the prescribed narrative but I for one continue to shake my head in disbelief.

Al Gore's graph which made so much sense... At the time.

With more data points it clear CO2 lags Temperature 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Venus Transits the Sun and No One Living Will See it Again

Venus transits the Sun. I'm not going to be around the next time (105 years) so I thought I would take some pictures. PS For you flat Earth people this is proof that at least Venus is a sphere or a disk...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Navy Said it Wasn't Punishment...

In 1992 LTJG Tracy Thorne said he was gay to a national TV audience.  Unfortunately, at this time in our countries history gays could not serve in the military.  Talking to the media about his homosexual preference while on active duty 20 years ago shouldn't disqualify him to sit on the bench today.  I actually believe fighting for what you think is right, regardless of the consequences, is a quality we should all aspire to.

Society changes slowly. For example, Galileo was found guilty of heresy in 1633 for supporting Copernican astronomy. He spent the last nine years of his life under house arrest for something that he knew to be true via his own eyes.

In 1992 I didn’t have an opinion on gays serving. I knew gays served and the policy at that time was pretty straightforward. You're gay, you're out. I would NOW argue the regulation that prohibited gays from serving was fundamentally wrong. Like Galileo, the LTJG Thornes of this world who knew the regulation to be wrong, stood up to be heard and paid a heavy price twenty years ago and again last Tuesday.

LTJG Thorne likely didn’t know that there were roughly 40,000 active duty gays serving in 1992. But he did know that speaking out on national TV was a violation of the UCMJ Article 133, Conduct Unbecoming an Officer. The beef is this showed poor leadership and decision-making skills when he opted to "come out" on national television. I would argue, based on what I read in the Board of Inquiry transcript, that he was an outstanding officer, an up-and-coming leader, had a strong moral compass and was doing what history will one day show to be in the highest tradition of the naval service.

One thing that keeps rattling in my mind from reading the Board of Inquiry transcript is this: By 1992, no other major organization in the US other than the US Military was actively discriminating against gays for just being gay. If it wasn’t for service members like LTJG Thorne, I’m certain there would still be a ban on gays in the military, who now and have always numbered in the tens of thousands.

Research to back up the 40,000 gays in the military:

LTJG Thorne's Board of Inquiry transcript:


I can't think of anyone better to make the case that LTJG Thorne was acting in the highest tradition of the Naval Service than Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

When asked why gays should be allowed to openly serve he said "I have served with homosexuals since 1968,"  "No matter how I look at the issue, I cannot escape being troubled by the fact that we have in place a policy which forces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens." "For me, it comes down to integrity – theirs as individuals and ours as an institution."  Admiral Mullen retired a week later and when asked why he spoke out against the ban on gays he said he did it for reasons of conscience.

LTJG Thorne wasn't a radical making a point.  He was a young (STUPID) naval officer who came to the realization he was gay and spoke out against a policy he knew to be fundamentally wrong.  That he did so while still serving is technically a violation of the UCMJ, but there are times when violating the UCMJ is exactly what leadership requires.  The two Langley F-22 Raptor pilots technically violated the UCMJ when they went on 60 minutes saying they were being persecuted for refusing to fly a plane they knew to be unsafe.  They did what they did because it needed to be done.  I would argue LTJG Throne was doing something that needed to be done too.

It's important to note that just eighteen months after LTJG Thorne was honorably discharged, Don't Ask Don't Tell became law.  Although over 14,000+ service members were forcible removed from the military under DADT it served as an important transition to the September 20, 2011 lifting of the gay service ban.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Taxes and Burgers - National Retail Sales Tax

Taxes and Burgers

As the sun sets, sounds of neighbors enjoying the evening remind me that I've spent this weekend doing my taxes, not cooking burgers. Since 1987 I've done my own taxes and I know first hand what a mess our tax system has become. Like frogs enjoying a warming kettle bath, we are collectively being cooked.

According to the IRS website, in 2006 tax compliance required 7.6 billion hours, not including the millions of hours needed to comply with IRS requests and audits. No amount of tweaking, fixing or reform can salvage the current system. It's time we start over and at this point I don't really care what over looks like because contrary to popular opinion, I don't think even the government can make what we have now worse.

Mr. President, please stop talking about what percentage Mr. Buffet pays and consider a National Retail Sales Tax (NRST). Yes, it would be regressive which would require beefing up government programs to protect the poor and working poor. Perhaps eliminating the estate tax below $100 million and making it fifty percent above would help offset the increased government help to those now paying federal taxes for the first time.

I for one would like to stop worrying about taxes and just get on with my life and enjoy cooking burgers this time of year.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Build Parallel Toll Tunnels Next to the Current Tunnels

Re: April 3rd, front page Virginian Pilot

You don't need a multimillion dollar study to determine Hampton Roads desperately needs another crossing at the HRBT and downtown Norfolk. Float a bond, form a public-private partnership or do both and toll the new tunnels via E-ZPass until they are paid for.

If the Governor wants to turn Virginia's section of I-95 into a turnpike that's one thing, but putting tolls on tunnels and bridges that have long been paid for is poor policy, bad for business and is likely against state law.

Construction of parallel toll tunnels next to the current free tunnels seems like an obvious solution, but I haven't heard anyone even mention this.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

"Getting real about transportation"

Why is stating the obvious so difficult? With a total tax of 19.8 cents per gallon, Virginia ranks 40th as the least-taxed in the union. As Virginia's transportation infrastructure ages and rush hour road times increase, those elected don't seem to have the will to even increase the gas tax to keep pace with inflation.

I've supported Governor McDonnell's "Public-Private" approach to transportation but I don't support adding tolls on tunnels that for as long as I can remember have been toll free. Last year I suggested an increase in the gas tax as the logical way to help pay for roads, bridges and tunnels. I also encouraged Public-Private solutions and suggested the construction of a parallel Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel that would use E-Z Pass to collect revenue.

Increasing the gas tax for inflation and starting the construction of Public-Private parallel toll tunnels at the Downtown and the HRBT seems obvious to me, but I haven't heard anyone even mention this.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich?

I thought Super Tuesday wasn't going to be a big deal for Virginia, but just maybe, we Virginia's will have a significant impact on picking our next President. I wonder how many of us will vote Tuesday for someone they don't support?

If Governor Romney wins Ohio, by say double digits, it's likely the death blow to Senator Santorum's chances. If Santorum happens to squeak out a win, we could be looking at a battle to Memorial Day, with the possibility of the GOP hopefuls showing up in Tampa without a nominee.

With only Ron Paul and Mitt Romney on the ballot our vote will expose or endorse Governor Romney's candidacy. With Governor McDonnell actively supporting Romney, campaigning for him in Florida and coming 2nd in the CPAC 2012 straw poll for Vice President,Virginia indeed is playing an active roll this year.

It's possible we could have a Romney/McDonnell ticket this fall. I think the odds are as good as a Santorum/Gingrich ticket, which would have a better shot at the Rust Belt, bring onboard the South and give President Obama a run for his money. Who knows... This has already been one of the strangest primary seasons in my lifetime... Anyone up for another debate?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

“Foreign Oil? Who Needs It!”

This Friday’s front page indicates it’s likely the US produced 81% of its energy needs last year. Of course demand has been lower, but for the first time in years it’s possible we have a real shot at energy independence, which would radically change the way we look at the world, specifically the Middle East.

What more can we do? For starters, we can realize that phase four of the Keystone pipeline is not an environmental threat to the Ogallala Aquifer- already crisscrossed by 25,000 miles of pipeline, when compared to the existing massive spiderweb of oil pipelines buried in the Louisiana wetlands and Gulf of Mexico. Next, it’s time we seriously consider T. Boone Pickens' idea of converting our trucking industry to natural gas. As an environmentalist, I would love to see less sulfur-rich diesel soot being belched on our highways. The trucking industry- if offered incentives and provided with the needed infrastructure to fuel up on liquefied natural gas- has made it clear they would embrace the alternative fuel. Furthermore, converting truck stops to dual-fuel would create thousands and thousands of jobs and help kick start the economy.

The money we spend converting our trucking industry to natural gas will reduce pollution, help the economy, and improve up our national security. Five years ago, the thought of 100% energy independence seemed laughable, but at 81%, the only question now is this: do our leaders have the vision to finish what Jimmy Carter started when he created the Department of Energy in the fall of 1977?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Virginian-Pilot
© January 11, 2012

Not so Super Tuesday

Ten states from Alaska to Virginia will likely determine President Obama's GOP challenger on March 6. For years, I've collected signatures for local, state and federal candidates, and it saddens me that only Ron Paul and Mitt Romney made our ballot. Virginia will basically sit this one out.With the modern main street being a mega-mall, it's harder than ever to collect signatures, which is why the Colorado Supreme Court ruled signature collectors couldn't be thrown out of malls. No kidding. Regardless, it's embarrassing to our state and the candidates who failed to collect the needed signatures.

I support emergency legislation, not to change the guidelines but to permit a write-in on our primary ballot, thus allowing Virginia's vote to be relevant this election cycle.

David Beemer
Virginia Beach

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sunday's paper Oct 9th, 2011

Non Sequitur by Wiley

Thought this was just too funny to pass up!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9-11

Taken July 2010 on the mountain @ Wintergreen

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Virginian-Pilot

Willing to pay to drive

At 3:45 p.m. last Friday, we were on our way from Virginia Beach to the Newport News Amtrak station to make the 4:55 train to Washington, D.C. At the Interstate 564 split, I-64 became a parking lot. We made the train with minutes to spare, which highlights that, incredibly, South Hampton Roads is the largest metropolitan area in the country without passenger rail service.

It's critical that Hampton Roads addresses transportation, including our bridges and tunnels, and it shocks me how hostile the area seems to public/private solutions. Gov. Bob McDonnell's top highway priority is the new U.S. 460 between Suffolk and Petersburg. This is an awesome idea that will create jobs, spur economic activity and make it easier to evacuate in the event of a disaster. If state money isn't available, then the private-public ideas being suggested need to be embraced.

One idea to solve the headaches of thousands of Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel commuters is building a second, parallel toll bridge tunnel. If the government can't afford this, I would like to see private money take this on, using E-ZPass.

During peak hours, motorists could choose to pay the toll and get home an hour sooner or wait in the free lane (which would now move faster with fewer commuters). I don't know if a study would show this to be profitable, but there is no doubt that last Friday, I would have gladly paid a toll to ensure I wasn't standing by the sole Amtrak ticket kiosk converting my online train ticket into a boarding pass, as the conductor shouted 'All aboard!'

David Beemer
Virginia Beach

Monday, July 11, 2011

Seattle Washington

What a great trip with my youngest. Seeing my oldest being commissioned a 2nd Lt. in the Army was a once in a life time experience. Wouldn't have missed it for the world.

The course of true love,
never did run smooth.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tantrum? Yep, AKA that
"Damn Red Boat"

Sometimes it's just hard. Life gets you down, you feel like everything is never going to get right and really... Why bother. Then a friend asks you if you sail and you remember that twenty-five years ago you did learn how to sail. Your mind is rusty and you remember that you never really got good but you did earn you skippers license, or was that just a piece of paper? Hard to believe, but over the years you have sailed all kinds of boats and even took a course in Hawaii so you could rent them at Hickam Harbor. Now years later, your feet are still a little unsure and yet you manage. Sure enough the wind helps blow a little, just a little hope into your soul.

Well, that and the post race beers. Tantrum is known as that Damn Red Boat. Her owner is a Naval Surgeon, her skipper a commercial pilot-CFII and recently she left the dock with three Naval Academy grads as crew/rail meat.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

See what a girl can do at VMI?

The Virginian-Pilot
By David Beemer
Eight years ago, Princess Anne High School's girls soccer team hosted Ocean Lakes in the Sportsplex for a match that was slated to be a blowout. By the end of the first half, Princess Anne scored four times, leaving Ocean Lakes with little to show for its efforts. Seeing that Ocean Lakes wasn't going to get back in the game, Coach John Craig - a former keeper himself - took the opportunity to see what his youngest keeper, a freshman, could do.
And so, before a home crowd expecting another half dominated by Princess Anne, Heidi Beemer took to the pitch. Heidi's biggest game to date was the middle school city championship, and I could tell by her sideline enthusiasm that she was pumped.
With nothing to lose, Heidi entered that rare, out-of-body state athletes call "the zone," playing the best half of soccer of her young life. Spectators in the stands groaned as Heidi blocked and caught the would-be goals, her feet quick, arms outstretched and body lunging.
I counted 36 shots on goal, with only two making it to the back of the net. The little girl I played catch with had announced herself in a new way, and her performance gave me a glimpse, perhaps for the first time, of the impressive young woman she would become.
That afternoon, Heidi, lanky and with long blond hair and a smile that hides her intensity to win, declared that she was going to be a great keeper. I will remember that day for the rest of my life.
In following years, Heidi trained and traveled with the State Olympic Development Team and was invited to the Region I training camp. She earned a full soccer scholarship to Virginia Military Institute and helped its fledgling soccer program advance in the Big South tournament her last two years.
Little did I know that a letter I wrote to The Virginian-Pilot 15 years ago supporting the admission of women to VMI would continue to echo through time and our family history.
In a previous letter to the editor, the mother of a cadet criticized the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to strike down VMI's all-male admissions policy. This was part of my response in July 1996:
"Speaking from experience, VMI is in for significant changes. As a 1987 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and a career officer for more than eight years, I can testify that women have served and will continue to serve our country with honor and distinction.
"Yes, VMI is going to change. Women's heads will not be shaved clean. And women will not be required to run as fast, jump as high or do as many push-ups as male cadets. So what?
"What VMI will become is a taxpayer-supported school providing the best education and military indoctrination possible, a unique and very different education experience offered to all members of our society, not just young men."
It was clear to me then that women would excel, even though I suspected it would take years for the culture of VMI and its alumni to truly acknowledge women. I had no idea at the time that my older daughter would eventually be a product of this integration.
For the past year, Heidi has served as Alpha Company 2nd Platoon lieutenant and vice president of education and operations for the Cadet Equity Association, which promotes equity among students and prosecutes sexual harassment and discrimination.
Virginians should be proud of our state's military academy. Founded in 1839, VMI is the nation's oldest state-supported military college. Every year, roughly half of VMI's graduates earn commissions in the armed forces, and I am proud that Heidi will soon commission and serve our nation as an Army officer.
As follow up to a summer NASA internship for future leaders of the space program, Heidi studied at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. She's been working to detect life in desert soil samples, preparing one day to explore Mars as an astronaut geologist.
I'm awed that my little girl - the outstanding goalie, VMI soccer player, chemistry major and volunteer for Special Olympics and Habitat for Humanity - graduates with honors Monday and plans to earn her Ph.D.
But nothing Heidi does surprises me any more. I wouldn't be shocked if she became the first woman to punt a soccer ball on Mars.
David Beemer, father of two college-age daughters, is a 1987 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. He has lived in Virginia Beach since 1991.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter - I'll Miss You Wes

Here are two of my company mates Rich and Wes. Rich, on the left, died of a massive heart attack a few years ago. Wes, one of the few classmates I've kept in contact with over the years, passed last Wednesday April 20th, 2011... Just after midnight.

Looking back it seems that a few hours after Wes died, my door bell rung. It was around 2:00 AM and when I opened the door nobody was there. Nothing was moving, there wasn't a sound, it was dead calm. I remember how odd this was. Both arms had goosebumps and the hair on the back of my neck was sticking up.

I was so unnerved that for the 1st time in my life I got my shotgun, loaded it and put it under the bed. Basically I was freaked the F&$# out.

Little did I know that about 90 before my door bell rang my dear friend Wes had lost his struggle with life. He had bleed out from a internal surgery he had a few days prior. Something became loose and his doctors couldn't stop the bleeding. I believe he was wide awake when he died.

Wes, it wasn't your time!

Wes was strong and he fought for nearly half a day to stay with his wife, step son and 10 year old daughter. His mom called me the next morning to let me know that Wes had died the night before a few days after a "successful" elective surgery

Wes, I wonder if it was you who rang my doorbell and visited me that morning? I would like to think so as I will miss our talks and laughter. You were of my tribe and may God rest your soul.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Flying on a rough Tuesday afternoon... Figured out our auto pilot tracks an ILS down to the runway... which is a good thing. However, intercept wasn't all that great and it would be wise to be on the localizer using the heading mode and then engage the auto pilot. Still, it's pretty neat watching the old bird track those donuts... Or would that be donut? I'm not sure but I'm getting hungry.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I've realized - too late...

I've likely always knew
it would have been enough
if my life's work consisted
of loving you and raising kids.


Monday, April 11, 2011

My skipper's boat going into the water. Turns out my flight instructor is a awesome skipper and the boat Tantrum is not known by her name but by "That F*^#ing Red Boat" Seems that I've been asked to crew with some serious sailors and I couldn't be more pleased. Our next race is Friday and if events work the captain will be back from Ohio and it's off to the races.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

EX Wife Flys and Two Die

It's been one of those weeks...

What a weird week to say the very least. Last weekend I took my EX wife (married 21 years) to CT to attend the funeral of my EX sister-in-law's father. I know what most people would think... STUPID. Not really considering the folks in CT are really my tribe if not my siblings.

My EX really didn't want to go but like a good friend of mine told me years ago... Dave, no one remembers who came to your wedding but you will remember, for the rest of your life, who attends your parents funeral. So I offered to fly us and she immediately commented she wasn't paying for gas. LOL, nothing every really changes does it? Actually, she offered to pay the $10 parking fee which was nice.

The bad news is on the way back, I got bored and felt a need to test the recently repaired auto pilots ability to track a VOR. When I engaged the auto pilot the plane jerked to the right and I cussed OH SHIT. Seems this was scary to a novice small plane passenger. Once again my EX wife is teaching me things. I now make a point of fully briefing passengers of anything unusual and do my best to keep my verbiage more positive.

PS On a somber note, my home airport experience a double fatality about 20 minutes before we landed. A very experienced pilot was showing off his home built to his sister. An engine failure upon takeoff resulted in an attempted 180 return, stall and crash. It was a sad day for general aviation and I doubt my EX will every fly in a small plane again. The good news is I would guess she will do what ever it takes to keep the life insurance policy she has on me current.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Virginian-Pilot
© February 21, 2011

Living on borrowed time

Re 'Cuts not slashes,' front page, Feb. 15: Reading about the federal budget was like getting hit upside the head with a tire iron. The administration plans to spend $3.7 trillion, with projected revenues of only $2.6 trillion.


If one were to apply this strange math to a typical Hampton Roads family, it would be hard to explain how a family earning $80,000 per year could possibly survive while spending $114,000. Anyone able to understand budgeting knows this will result in bankruptcy for the family and, inevitably, for the nation as well.

So what can be done?

The biggest slices of the spending pie are entitlements. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid eat up 41 percent of the federal budget. So it stands to reason that our politicians should be talking about entitlement reform, right?


Even though a family spending $114k (while earning only $80k) will walk a short road to bankruptcy, it appears that most of our politicians can't apply the same reasoning. It's time to increase the Social Security retirement age and apply means testing to qualify needful beneficiaries.

Perhaps it's not fair for a person to pay more than 15 percent of what he earns over the course of his life and then get nothing in return, but the reality is that disability insurance, survivor benefits and a lifetime-income-safety-net have untold value. It's kind of like car insurance for someone who never has an accident.

We must have entitlement reform before we bankrupt our country. Our politicians surely must know this.

David Beemer
Virginia Beach