Friday, March 29, 2024

We have to Protect Democracy?

Breaking of social norms...

The firing of Ronna McDaniel, the niece of Senator Mitt Romney:

"Our initial decision was because of our deep commitment to presenting our audience with a widely diverse set of viewpoints and experiences, particularly during these consequential times," Mr Conde's statement to the employees of NBC

So that's the official statement after hiring and then immediately firing someone who the "Right" barely claims as one of their own. Yet another example of the break down of social norms.

There are so many examples:

Trump is the death of Democracy. He must not be allowed on the ballot!

RFK Jr. will be the death of democracy! Hundreds of Biden paid lawyers will work diligently to keep him off the ballot.

Sasha Stone Explains 

10 million illegal boarder crossings in one Presidential term can't be justified or ignored.

Draining the strategic oil reserve to reduce gas prices before the midterm elections is not why we maintain the strategic oil reserve.

Leaving Afghanistan without a plan or coordinating with our allies was. 

Paying people not to work and expecting them to go back to work was dumb. 

Dumping money into the economy and not thinking it would be inflationary has to be one of the worst economic blunders in modern economic history.

The Biden Administration will be responsible for adding 8.5 trillion to the national debt by the end of his 1st term. The National debt is projected to reach 35.5 trillion. For years the "Smart People" said as long as the National Debt doesn't exceeding Gross Domestic Product we will be fine. Well Son of a Bitch that bull shit died quietly in 2013! 

The National Debt interest payment in 2023 was $624,000,000,000 or about $2,000 per person per year.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Peter Navarro - Democrats Continue Destroying Norms!

The other day Peter Navarro reported to prison to begin his four month sentence for refusing to comply with the January 6th Committee's Congressional subpoena. This being the first time in history that anyone has been jailed for refusing a Congressional subpoena seems lost on the main stream media (MSM). The fact that Peter Navarro was a senior presidential advisor, who will likely win on appeal, was imprisoned by the Justice Department is mind-numbing. The Democrats talk the talk but are openly shredding the norms of society like Executive privilege. Executive privilege literally dates back to George Washington and was officially outlined almost 50 years ago by the Justice Department that just jailed Peter Navarro.

The President of the United States and his advisors have historically been protected by Executive Privilege. This "norm" was outlined in 1977 by Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, John M. Harmon when he signed off on a seven page memorandum that explained the doctrine of Executive privileges as it relates to requests from Congressional committees for Executive branch information and documents. Basically, the President needs to be able to discuss almost anything, with those he surrounds himself, knowing that these conversations and any documents will not be made public.

"Simply stated, Executive privilege is the term applied to the invocations by the Executive branch of a legal right, derived from the need for confidentiality of it's internal communications and the constitutional doctrine of separation of powers, to withhold official documents or information from compulsory process of the legislative branch. The privilege has a long history, having been first asserted by President Washington against a Congressional request and thereafter by almost every Administration."

Democrats breaking norms seems to be the norm. For example The January 6th Committee was the first Congressional committee that didn't allow the minority to place members on the Committee which shattered one of the longest standing traditions of Congress.

The Democrats impeached a President over a phone call in which he supposedly was shaking down a world leader who didn't know he was being shaken down. We have the Democrat Speaker of the House tearing up the President's State of the Union speech as the nation watched. The Democrats conducted a historical 2nd impeachment of a President and the first impeachment of a former President which was so absolutely absurd the Chief Justice refused preside over the hearing.

While saying they are protecting our societal norms the Democrats are destroying them one by one and there is no end insight. Just a few years ago the Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage was the law of the land. Overnight 99.9% of state and local governments complied with the ruling and the handful of clerks who had a difference in opinion were quickly dealt with. Fast forward a few years and the President is openly flaunting a Supreme Court ruling that the President can't forgive student loans. Under President Biden the Constitutional norm that Congress controls the purse is being blown off with little if any repercussions.

On day one of the Biden Administration an Executive Order overturned a decade of Democrat and Republican wotk killing the Key Stone Pipeline. An Executive Order ended the development of ANWR which was law including the the 2017 tax bill. Over and over the norms that kept our nation strong have been attacked by Democrats while they profess they are protecting Democracy. The left professes to be the the Guardians of political norms however, nothing could be more untrue. 

If you add up those overstaying their visas, those presenting themselves at points of entry, those crossing the boarder illegally and being detained, those crossing the boarder illegally and getting away and those crossing the boarder illegally that we never see it's likely we will reach 10 million illegal alien entries in President Biden's first four years. How can one argue that this invasion aligns with our political norms?

Peter Navarro, I'm sorry that you have to serve four months in prison. I'm sorry that our counties leadership seems hell bent on destroying our political norms as they profess they and only they are the ones trying to maintain them. Bottom line? Those of the Left please stop pissing on my leg while telling me it's raining.

PS Donald Trump was fined $464,000,000 after being found guilty of loan fraud which is another example of norms being destroyed by the Left. President Trump's legal team failed to convince the judge that a fine almost five times higher than the highest individual civil fine in history was excessive. As far as I know no one is saying Trump defaulted on any loan. The banks who were "defrauded" didn't join the law suit because they couldn't show damages. The best example of fraud listed in the complaint was Trump's personal New York condo being listed at 30,000 square feet when it was actually just 10,000 square feet. That sure seems like fraud to me but again we are talking about the most sophisticated bankers in the world and I don't think Donald has prepared any paperwork for anything in decades.

Monday, February 26, 2024

I'm Just a Bill on Capital Hill...

I'm Just a Bill on Capital Hill...

Who is responsible for creating new laws? Congress, or government agencies with acronyms? That was supposed to be rhetorical question but unfortunately it's not. For decades Congress has been passing rough frameworks as law and leaving the details to government agencies. For example the EPA was forced to expanded their mandate to classify C02 as a pollutant. Yep, a gas that is essential for all life on the dry surface of planet Earth is now a pollutant. MASSACHUSETTS v. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY.

During my lifetime I've seen random episodic erosion of our Democracy/Republic. I'm not talking about Trump, Jan 6th or the 2020 Summer of Love. I'm not talking about governor's and mayor's employing unconstitutional "emergency" powers to keep citizens from traveling, golfing or going to the beach for 15 days that became 24 months during the Covid "pandemic." I'm mostly talking about the Executive Branch of our government and a few cases of the Judicial Branch taking upon themselves powers they are not entitled to. In some cases they are knowingly flaunting established norms and law to obtain their desired outcome. 

For example, it would seem even the Supreme Court doesn't have have the power to stop President Biden from spending billions forgiving student loans and essentially buying votes. America's form of government wasn't created from scratch. It's an amalgamation of the political theory of the time combined with government elements throughout history. At it's core all branches need to stay in their lanes for our country to work. Congress controls the purse and makes law. The Executive faithfully interprets and executes these laws and if Congress and the Executive disagree then the Judicial branch mediates.

The erosion of our form of government occurs when government agencies stop creating regulations but actually create law. Judges bend the law to meet political policies. Lately the office of the President of both parties are guilty of using Executive Orders to obtain desired outcomes regardless of the law, Congress or the Judiciary. The end doesn't justify the means and no nation can survive such fundamental attacks to it's basic structure. In our system power must be shared. The assumption that our nation can indefinitely continue down this path of self destruction isn't sustainable. "Perhaps you and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.  And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again." Ronald Reagan, Jan 5th, 1967

Friday, January 26, 2024

RV-14A Fuselage Build and Working Around Laser Cut Parts

Like many Van's Aircraft experimental builders I'm on hold waiting for Van's to wrap up their chapter 11 bankruptcy and start shipping the Laser Cut (LC) part replacements in bulk. I feel so lucky that I had only 72 parts that need to be replaced and none of them were already installed. Just under half of my laser cut parts (33) are on Van's Red, Yellow or PURPLE lists and will be replaced at no charge. My remaining 39 laser cut parts fall into two categories. Either they are dimpled and attached to a skin or they are just crappy parts and I'm replacing them.

I had a total of 111 LC parts and many of them are absolutely fine. If they are NOT on Van's suggested replacement list or dimpled and attached to a skin I'm not replacing them unless they need lots of work to clean up and make serviceable.

While waiting for Van's to figure everything out I ordered 29 parts in three batches so I could keep building and I was so happy getting back to building it's not even funny. Yes, there are all kinds of small projects you can work on while waiting for your Van's bulk LC shipment but those small projects are not very rewarding.

One of my biggest decisions regarding the bankruptcy was canceling my Quick Build (QB) wings and likely forfeiting $1,650 of my $5,000 deposit. There is a $13,300 price difference between the new QB wings and slow build but this will allow me to complete a few mods and I really enjoy building. You know you are a sick puppy when you like working with tank sealant. As of now I have 43 laser cut parts outstanding and like most Van's builders I'm patiently waiting for Van's to acknowledge and complete my order. 

PS Turns out my 1st order consisted of 11 RED parts. My 2nd order was 8 YELLOW and my recent order was 10 BLUE. I spent $421.51 on RED and YELLOW parts that I could have gotten for free if I was willing to stop building months ago. Furthermore, who knows when the rest of the LC parts will be sent by Van's. With a typical build time of 3-5 years, at 59 waiting wasn't wasn't an option.

Note: March 8th, 2024 Van sends the email I've been waiting to get for over a year. Van's has asked me to submit my Laser Cut replacement order!

My last order was 10 seat ribs $477.79

2nd set of 8 parts arrive - PERFECT

Tail cone up out of the way

The horizontal stabilizers new home

Making tools... 

1st batch of 11 replacement parts!

Forward main spar looking good

Example of a bad Laser Cut Hole... 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Iowa Caucuses and the Bitter Cold of Climate Change

The temperature in Des Moines Iowa this Monday morning January 15th, 2024 is -9 degrees Fahrenheit which is a bit colder than normal. It's crazy that your average generation Z and X mind full of mush believes that the artic air mass dubbed the "polar vortex" is a product of global warming aka climate change. Nothing to see here move on...

Iowa has been colder lately than "normal" but the national narrative ignores data that doesn't fit the narrative. Iowa's 2014 average temperature being the 6th coldest year on record is ignored. Which I continue to find puzzling. How many times do I have to say CO2 is not the climatic thermostat we are being told it is. That I too would be part of the 97% of scientists who believe man has had some impact on warming but that impact is so small as to yet be measured.

Today is the Iowa caucuses. The media says we have just three viable candidates running: Trump, Haley and DeSantis. Brown Trump has been completely dropped from the narrative. No one is mentioning his name. If Vivek Ramaswamy comes in third or better we will know the Media and the powers at be are yet again meddling in our "free" elections.

Vivek has said some crazy things over the last six plus months. Things like the President has the power to eliminate 75% of the federal government. That the climate change agenda is a hoax. There are only two sexes. Biological men should not shower with women or compete against them in women sports. The majority of transgenders are actually suffering from mental illness. To Vivek and many others these are obvious truths. However, to Leftist these thoughts are dangerous and an existential threat to Democracy and they must be silenced.

By tomorrow we will know if the media is once again lying to manipulate the outcome that they want. Vivek is saying the deep state, big media and the ruling class have decided Haley will be the next President and Ron DeSantis likely doesn't know he's going to be her Vice President. I think this is crazy but I've  been wrong before so who knows. Right now I think it's more likely Brown Trump will be President Trump's VP. 

I don't know what's going to happen in Iowa. I'll be watching closely while the humor of climate activists not being able to protest outside for fear of frostbite is not lost on me.

Update: The results are in and Vivek Ramaswamy got 7.7% of the vote earning 3 delegates. Contrary to what he promised his followers he has pulled out of the race and endorsed Trump. He said no matter what he would go the distance. To me that meant March 5th aka Super Tuesday or at least freaking New Hampshire. I'm deeply disappointed with Brown Trump and I'm just thinking BOHICA?

Monday, January 8, 2024

Dropbox Joe

President Biden cannot win at the ballot box but he can and I believe will win (if he is really running) at the dropbox! 

Simply put the machine supporting the Democrat party, to include the mega rich, the mainstream media, the schools, the unelected bureaucrats - virtually all have conspired to create a system to increase their vote. One could argue the open boarder mass illegal immigration likely to exceed 10 million in this administrations first term is the cherry on the top of their steroid pumped long term get out the vote effort.

From private grants enabling certain voter registrars to register, mail, collect, cure and record votes to installing unmonitored drop boxes throughout critical cities to government coordination with social media to crush the First Amendment the Dems are on a roll. The once sacrosanct practice of voter, election day and the secret ballot inherited from our British ancestors has been utterly destroyed.

It's nearly impossible to argue that universal mail-in/dropbox box voting is not being manipulated if not outright rigged. Almost two decades ago both President Jimmy Carter and Secretary of State James Baker declared that:

 “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.”

Universal mail-in balloting for weeks if not months replacing election day seems like a great idea until you dig deeper and realize the voter registration roles are as accurate as the weight on your driver's license. If just a fraction of the fraud outlined in the movie 2000 Mules is accurate we are selecting, not electing our representation. How do we get back to fair elections?

Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswammy suggests making election day a national holiday, paper ballots and restrict absentee voting to those who can't vote on election day. I mostly agree.

First, states that are not compliant with the 1993 "Motor Voter Law" need to have highway funding withheld immediately. It's insane that this law has been on the books for a generation and is still not being complied with throughout the country.

Next, the voter rolls should be open to the public. The idea that you have to pay thousands of dollars to get a list of those who voted during the last election, by Congressional district, effectively prevents citizen oversight. I want to be able to log in and see that I voted and that my neighbor voted. I also want to see if anyone in the abandoned house down the street voted. Some would argue this is a violation of privacy but in reality it's already available to wealthy organizations and those running for office who have the funds to buy their list.

Lastly, I wouldn't make election day a holiday which adversely impacts the private sector. Passing a law requiring employers to give time off to vote is one thing. Creating another holiday is another. An actual election day, paper ballots, results within 24 hours and secure absentee ballots that are readily available for those who need them would bring us back in line with what worked for over 200 years.

The Democrats broke something that wasn't broken and it's time the Republicans fix it. Also the fix doesn't have anything to do with voter ID if you vote in person. Voter ID has always was a diversion tactic of the Left and the Republicans have focused on the shining object while getting out harvested.

Vivek Ramaswammy for President!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Vituperation & Claudine Gay

I seriously was hoping Claudine Gay wouldn't resign as the President of Harvard. I guess I will have to be satisfied she's once again a professor. 

On a serious note, how many of her articles and papers need to show clear evidence of plagiarism for the Media to declare her unfit? How many specific examples of plagiarism do you need incorporated in your doctorate dissertation to be embarrassed enough to stop pretending what you did was accidental? Crazy as it sounds it seems that losing support of the Harvard Crimson was the stray that broke Gay's back.

I have more important questions about Harvard than Ms Gay's noble fight against sexism and racism. Why are SAT or ACT no longer required for admittance? 

"For the College Classes of 2027-2030, students may apply for admission without standardized test scores."

The fact that Ms Gay doesn't understand a mob of students chanting "From the river to the sea Palestine will be free..." violates Harvard's Student Code of Conduct is shocking. There are other examples of violent student "protestors" threatening Jews. Support for genocide is something that the president of Harvard should acknowledge violates their Code of Conduct but then again maybe not.

Free speech is not lost when you attend university but students must abide by their institutions guidelines and published Code of Conduct. Calling for the genocide of Jews or being openly antisemitic is something that the President of Harvard shouldn't condon under any circumstances. The equal enforcement of norms and standards is something we should expect from any institutions receiving government funding.

"According to the Department of Education, violations of the act and refusal to address problems identified by the Office for Civil Rights can result in a school's loss of federal funding or a referral to the Department of Justice (Harvard received $625 million in federal funding in 2021)."

$625 million in federal funding is something that I haven't heard anyone discuss. Why are taxpayers giving millions to a school with a $50.9 billion dollar endowment?

Harvard Alumni, I'm truly sorry that you have to witness the downfall of your alma mater. In your stead I will visit John Harvard's grave and personally apologize for what has become of the institution he helped found.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Bidens Guilty!

Hunter, Jim & yes Joe Biden are toast. Not really but if this was Donald and his sons they would be in jail awaiting trial.

The internal bank memo below outlines just one aspect of the Biden's money laundering scheme. All of Biden men are involved up to their necks and yes they got caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar. If you're thinking this doesn't matter and seriously who cares, I totally understand. 

The real question for those of us who are interested is why now? This internal bank memo surfacing after being around for six years is not random. The Republicans are not digging up anything new that the "Deep State" doesn't want them to find. An administration three years into their term with leaks that I can count on one hand is not responsible for this bank surfacing. Who is?

Could it be the Republicans are just that good? Seriously, if you believe that you have been living under a rock. The Republicans play checkers by the rules while the Democrats beat their heads in with sledge hammers as they move chess pieces. Maybe the question shouldn't be why now? Maybe it should be who is giving these documents to the Republicans?

Regardless... If you read the memo below and can still honestly say so what, where is the beef, then congratulations you may have a future role in government. A government envisioned by George Orwell.

Monday, November 6, 2023

The Perfect Gas Can?

So what does 420,000 years of Ice Core Data and the modern "No-Spill 2.5 Gallon Easy Gas Can" have in common? Nothing, but I'm guessing you think the new gas cans are awesome as per the accepted narrative. When in fact they absolutely suck and everyone who uses them knows this!

Okay it's absolutely clear when CO2 goes up Temperatures go up... Right? Actually, that fundamental fact is wrong. This is what Al Gore pointed out in his documentary that made him millions. Like everyone I saw this correlation, was blown away and embraced the "science" like all good nerds. Seriously, the link was beyond compelling and the science behind determining past temperatures from ice cores is so incredibly fascinating it just had to be right. 

Turns out the ice core temps are spot on but unfortunately the obvious link between CO2 and warming became an inconvenient truth as more and more data points emerged showing just the opposite of what Al Gore was saying. With more and more data points it became  clear that CO2 increases significantly lagged temperature increases. It's sad that millions still bitterly cling to this false cause and effect. The data set now now goes back nearly 800,000 years and has tens of thousands of CO2 and Temperature points that even Al Gore has acknowledge is problematic. I wonder if Al Gore is still using the jagged ice core chart in his presentations? 

As it turns out ice core sampling clearly shows temperature leads CO2 by 300 to 900 years. Yes I said leads... Temps go up and in a few hundred years CO2 goes up. The attempt to explained this away has produced multiple theories. Some make sense at first blush and some are just nutty grasps at straws. Some are just double talk... If you're peeing on my leg please don't tell me it's rain!

Speaking of rain, there is a high correlation between umbrellas and rain. Turns out 97% of scientists "believe" umbrellas are causing more rain. Kidding, but let me be clear, the same government agencies and "experts" that brought you the modern "No-Spill 2.5 Gallon Easy Gas Can" are saying CO2 is the #1 factor driving climate change. That man's attempt to reverse 60 million years of the Carboniferous period is not only happening, it's happening so fast it will not only change the climate for our children but our children's children will struggle to survive in a world we wouldn't recognize. Essentially, hell on Earth.

Don't believe me? Try as you might you will not find one computer model that has accurately predicted any climate change temperatures over the last 30 years? If ALL of the models are wrong from 30 years ago why should we believe them going forward? When it's absolutely clear historical CO2 increases lagged temperature increases why would we believe CO2 increases now will result in temperature increases?

By the way, I actually predict CO2 will lead the temperature increases this time but it's not responsible for the warming. The temperature increase that is clearly happening has been ongoing since... Well the last glacial maximum roughly 14,000 years ago. Kinda makes sense when you step back and realize just how massive continental ice sheet are and how much of them still exist in Greenland and Antarctica.

Go figure that we are still coming out of a glaciation as in Greenland is still melting and even at the massively increased rate predicted with take 3,000-4,000 years to melt. 

The next time you use your "No-Spill 2.5 Gallon Easy Gas Can" ask yourself how in the hell did we get here? Trust the science? Trust the guys who can't create a usable gas can with a flame arrester? I think NOT!

I know this is hard to read but it's 420,000 years of Temp and CO2 Data

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Money Laundering Bidens

A few interesting things recently surfaced regarding the Biden family's on going corruption investigation conducted by the House of Representatives. Before you scream stop teasing me! Sorry, the Republicans didn't find a suitcase full of cash and gold bars with secret documents in the trunk of President Biden's Corvette's which is obviously the democratic corruption standard of the mainstream media and their fellow travelers.

"The inquiry was prompted when the committee received bank records showing that James Biden made payments of $200,000 and $40,000 from personal accounts to President Biden in 2017 after receiving money from business deals involving a financially troubled health care firm and a Chinese energy company."

Wait, the checks have "loan payment" in the memo. That absolutely absolves President Biden of any possible wrong doing. Duh! Wait, what? That's not how it works?

At the very best Joe's brother Jim and his wife Sara are simply paying back a personal loan with money pulled from one of their many corporate bank accounts, transferred to their personal checking account and then transfered to Joe Biden's personal checking account via the checks below. Nothing to see here folks move along.

No! You can't just move money from a corporate account, even an LLC, into your personal checking account without documentation and accounting for taxation.

Moreover, assuming these checks were indeed paying off actual loans from Joe wouldn't there be an original transfer of assets to Jim or Sara Biden at some point. To date this transfer hasn't been located. Sorry I'm NOT going to hold my breath for that evidence.

No initial transfers?

Well maybe the "business" made money (doing what?) that was supposed to go to Joe but didn't because Jim borrowed it? Maybe it didn't go to Joe because when it was "earned" Joe was Vice President Biden and that would have been a conflict of interests?

Anything is possible right?

Okay so this is nothing more than a classic tax avoidance scheme. I have a MBA and I've been working with small businesses for thirty years. For the last twenty I've taken annual money laundering classes for my insurance and investment licenses. My education and training indicate not only does this ongoing scenario perfectly fit the classic money laundering scheme it very well could become a case study. 

All of this is being covered up by the Big Guy aka Joe Biden and "his" Administration. The saying the cover-up is worse than the crime really doesn't apply here because the crime of money laundering and tax evasion are actually serious crimes and typically involve significant jail time. 

Set aside their "business" looks like pure influence peddling. Set aside the new media goal post being - Okay so the Biden's took money so what... Where is the "tat"? Set aside we actually have evidence of money transfers between family members. Set aside Trump was impeached for asking President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate Joe Biden (tit) or Ukrainian aid was going to stopped (tat). Note: This actually happened but the Ukrainian government did know non-lethal aid had paused weeks before the call. They likely didn't know because the all important lethal aid, as in Javelin antitank missiles, continued unabated. Did Ukraine investigate Joe or Hunter? I don't think so. Also how did Trump know Joe was going to win the nomination a year plus in advance? It's crazy how Trump is wrong about everything but knew Biden was going to win the nomination even before he announced his candidacy.

If not proof of corruption, we now have tangible, fairly easy to understand tax avoidance and money laundering evidence. The real question will the IRS go after any Biden? Will the Justice Department go after any Biden? Will the mainstream media go after any Biden? Seriously, is there any scenario that the Biden's will be investigated let alone prosecuted?


So what's going to happen?

I think it will involve something like... Joe Biden, post Democratic National Convention, issuing pardons and the stepping down. Kamala Harris takes over, pardons Joe and someone other than Kamala Harris (aka Gavin Newsom) is "selected" by the Democratic Leadership (the super delegates) to be "their" candidate for President in 2024. Yet again proving the Dems don't really believe in the democratic process of voters actually selecting their candidates aka Bernie Sanders.

PS I'm fairly sure the IRS wouldn't be fooled by the words "Loan Repayment" to hide income from taxation. However, 97% of Democrats and their media coat hangers clearly are being fooled. Nothing to see here folks move along... 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Gun Free Zones are Deadly

On the evening of Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 a mentally unstable U.S. Army Reservist opened fire at a bowling alley and then Schemengees Bar and Grille bar in Lewiston, Maine. A total of 31 were shot, with 18 fatalities thus far. Within hours Gavin Newsom, who is clearly running for President, shamelessly put out fundraising emails. WTF?

My suggestion is we remember and honor those shot in Lewiston by creating one law that may actually prevent further tragedies. Not as our Leftist political leaders, who likely have never owned or fired a semiautomatic rifle or pistol, would like but in a way that has proven to work throughout the country.

If you have a valid concealed weapons permit you should be able to carry almost anywhere in your state. No business owner or state agency should have the right to disarm you of your lawfully concealed weapon. Your training, finger prints, background check and standing as a trusted citizen has earned you the right to become the good guy with a gun. 

How do I know this is a good idea? To be honest I don't. I can't find a study comparing localities that allow concealed carry versus those that don't which in itself is troublesome. Considering we have many states and localities with and without concealed weapon restrictions there exists a plethora of research opportunities. The lack of research speaks volumes.

Before saying this is nuts, ask yourself how many state Capitals currently allow concealed carry within their walls? How many allow open carry? How many states allow parents to conceal carry in school even though this clearly violates federal law? It's almost impossible to believe but yes you can walk into some state capitals packing.

I remember my visit of Utah's State Capitol which if you didn't know was built when Utah was flush with silver profits and is absolutely amazing. The trooper I talked with was perfectly fine with folks carrying in his Capital and mentioned their has only been only one gun related incident in the last 100 years and that was between two legislators who hated each other.

I know it's insane to want my government to enforce the gun laws we have and allow those who can qualify for a concealed weapons permit to be the proverbial good guy with a gun. I want my government to stop missing clear signals that a mentality unstable person needs help or at the very least needs to be temporarily relieved of their weapons. I want my government to listen when a grandmother tells them her grandson is a threat to others and himself.

The only thing that stops a mentally disturbed person on a killing spree is a good guy with a gun. There is a reason gun free zones are consistently targeted by those who wish others harm. Gun free zones need to be reviewed and in most cases reversed even on private property. If you have a concealed weapons permit you should be allowed to covertly carry your weapon without fear of prosecution.

My proposal is simple. Any building without armed security must allow concealed carry to those with a valid concealed carry license.

PS I'm ex-military with a concealed weapons permit who has never once carried in public. This last mass shooting was very close to home and has me rethinking lots of things. Members of Congress please note that being disarming by you was definitely not one of my thoughts and I for one was and am very glad that I can defend myself and my family if needed.

PPS On October 7th, 2023 more than 1,200 unarmed men, women and children, mostly Israelis and Jewish, where killed by HAMAS in attacks so barbaric to be unbelievably. An additional 240 plus we're taken hostage. "Compared with the U.S., Israel has relatively restrictive firearm laws. With few exceptions, guns are restricted to Israelis with weapons training or in security professions. Untrained civilians, don't qualify." It turns out the only thing that prevented an even higher death and hostage toll was HAMAS breaking into homes of armed residents. Since the attacks Israel has seen a massive increase in gun registrations just as American politicians are attempting to roll back if not repealed our 2nd Amendment rights.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Joe Biden for President?

It's hard to imagine a scenario where Joe Biden does not win his parties nomination, but will he be on the ballot in 2024? I don't think so. I think the Dems figured this out 18 months ago when Democrats made South Carolina their 1st primary state. At this time they added a provision to deal with the possibility that Joe Biden would not be fit for office.

How would this work? 

Most likely just before or even during the Democrat convention, President Biden will step down for personal reasons. He may say it's for the well being of the nation or for obvious health issues. At this time the "party" will select someone to replace Joe on the ballot. This will not be a "democratic" process. Democrat Super Delegates will pick their nominee and our Democracy will die a little bit more behind closed doors.

Gavin Newsom?

Michelle Obama?

Susan Rice?

Someone yet to be identified?

Soon after declaring his candidacy Robert F. Kennedy Jr. learned that the pathway to the democratic nomination was for all practical matters impossible. If he won every "winner take all state" and 50% of the state delegates allotted by percentage he still wouldn't have enough delegates to overcome the Super Delegate hegemony. Obviously, democracy in the Democratic party can't be trusted to the voting public. 

So again, it's pretty clear President Biden will "win" his parties nomination but not be on the ballot in November. I believe President Biden will step down and his replacement will be chosen by Democrat Super Delegates. The narrative that this is democracy in action will be celebrated but you and I will know the truth. This is yet another manifestation of the permanent, mostly unelected, ruling class of United States.

Update July 21st, 2024 - It would seem that reality finally caught up with the Democrats, the President's family, his doctors and the Media... The lies are exposed and Joe is done. Will he remain President?

Update August 21st, 2024 - Last night Vice President Harris accepted the Democrat Party's nomination for President. I knew Joe had lost it. I also knew the Harris was massively unpopular and many felt she might get booted off the ticket. Well, the same people who got a demented old man elected President from his basement have shined up Kamala Harris as the next savior. She's the grassroots nominee without receiving a single primary vote. Fool me once, shame on you promoting Joe Biden as sharp as a tack. Fool me twice shame on me for Kamala Harris does not belong in any office let alone Presidential of the United States. Please God let the honeymoon be over. Let America see real Vice President Harris before it's too late.

PS When Harris is actually being herself it's clear she's not the leftist who seems determined to end the American Experiment. Unfortunately I don't think she's been her true self for years and there ain't no going back once you sell your soul to the unelected bureaucracy that seemingly has a death grip on the governance of our country. 


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Rep. Jamaal Bowman - You Lie!

Fire alarm puller New York Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman thinks we are stupid. Weeks after being video taped pulling the fire alarm he is still lying. He clearly pulled the alarm to delay an ongoing vote on the floor of the house. Are we really expected to believe a member of Congress didn't know what a fire alarm was or how it works? Will the BS ever stop? Our leaders should be held to a higher standard and when they blatantly lie to the American people they should be held accountable by law enforcement, House leadership and eventually the ballot box.

"I’m thankful for the quick resolution from the District of Columbia Attorney General’s office on this issue and grateful that the United States Capitol Police General Counsel’s office agreed I did not obstruct nor intend to obstruct any House vote or proceedings," he said. "I am responsible for activating a fire alarm, I will be paying the fine issued, and look forward to these charges being ultimately dropped." - Jamaal Bowman

$1000 fine and all of this goes away in three months? Are you kidding me? Maybe, if he told the truth but he hasn't come clean and has actually doubled down on his lie. Jamaal Bowman should be punished to the maximum extent of the law. I don't think Jamaal should be held in solitary confinement for a year but you bet he should be prosecuted for:

25 CFR § 11.430 - Falsely setting off a fire alarm.

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of official proceeding before the U.S. House of Representatives. 

18 U.S.C. § 1001 - Intentionally making false statements to a federal agent or investigator.

"Today, as I was rushing to make a vote, I came to a door that is usually open for votes but today would not open," he said on X at the time. "I am embarrassed to admit that I activated the fire alarm, mistakenly thinking it would open the door. I regret this and sincerely apologize for any confusion this caused." - Jamaal Bowman

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Radical 2nd Amendment?

 I've been going back and forth with my oldest daughter (The Army Major) regarding the 2nd Amendment and it's forced me to sharpen my Pro 2nd Amendment arguments. 

#1 The 2nd Amendment is NOT and NEVER was about hunting. Political leaders who say things like deer aren't wearing bullet proof vests etc. are uninformed or just lying. The right to keep and bear arms is about ensuring that our government thinks twice about tyranny. Absolute power leads to tyranny and history is ripe with examples of unarmed citizens being massacred.

#2 The Left is absolutely misinformed when they consistently go after long guns aka the AR-15 rather than everyday handguns. You are exceedingly more likely to be beaten to death with a hammer than you are being killed with someone's AR-15.

#3 The gun show loophole? It's not a thing and the people saying this have never attended a gun show or are just lying. Gun purchases at gun shows require background checks. Basically, if you sell a gun for profit anywhere in the U.S. (including out of your trunk at a gun show) you're a dealer and must comply with FBI background checks.

#4 Universal Background Checks? It's already the freaking law. Yes there are cracks in the system which are typically government employees not complying with the law or just not willing to do their job.

#5 Small arms versus the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines? I honestly don't think our military would turn it's awesome firepower upon the population. The FBI, ATF, IRS, DHS, etc... that is a whole other matter. Luckily, so far these agencies don't have tanks, assault helicopters or artillery.

#6 DC banned guns and armed home invasions became common. SCOTUS stepped up with the Heller decision affirming the right to keep and bear arms. Although guns and magazines (limited to 10 rounds) have to be registered with the local police department and physically reviewed every two years the subsequent reduction in home invasions was notable.

#7 For decades semi automatic rifles have proven very effective against modern militaries. Before the American Revolution armed militias proved effective against French Canadian and Indian attacks. It's important to understand "the most effective way to destroy a citizens militia was to disarm the citizens." - Anthony Scalia.

#8 Maybe the most important take away is the vast majority, I'm talking 95% plus of all gun related deaths, including suicides are with handguns. The leadership on the Left knows this so why do they continue to go after long guns?

If handguns are to blame then why is the media, the Left and the Democrats all going after long guns specifically AR-15 style weapons? Could it be as simple as feelings over facts? I find it hard to believe the motivation is more nefarious but I've been wrong before.

Bottom line... Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill themselves and others. The weapon of choice, hands down, is the handgun and yet the laws are aimed at the long gun, specifically AR-15 style weapons. True weapons of war like the M1 carbine below that I trained with are not even mentioned.

I hope these arguments ring true for you and as this debate continues those on the Left will take time to educate themselves on the details and nuances of guns and gun control. I find that arguing with people who do not possess the basic understanding of fire arms to be a complete waste of time.

Note: Is it possible that the federal government aka the permanent bureaucracy is fully aware that handguns are the real public safety issue? Is it possible the Democrats who keep pushing for the assault weapons ban really don't know that hammers kill more people than AR-15s? One possible conclusion I've never even considered... The permanent bureaucracy is not afraid of a population armed with hand guns. However, a population armed with millions of AR-15 type weapons could be exceedingly effective in steming government expansion, corruption and tyranny. The truth? Who knows, but anyone with an hour of dedicated training can become extremely deadly with an AR-15.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Hunter Biden - A Burisma Board Member?

No rational person questions Hunter Biden was paid between $50,000 and $83,000 a month by the Ukrainian Energy company, Burisma Holdings, to sit on their board. Furthermore, despite the BS assertions of 51 former intelligent experts, Joe Biden flat out lied that his son's laptop was Russian disinformation. This lie was coordinated and served up to the world during the 2nd Presidential debate.

Forget about everything "Hunter" and focus on one non-disputed thought:

While Joe Biden was Vice President, Hunter was making millions doing what?

Joe Biden has repeatedly said he never discussed his son's "business" activities. (Update - Effective 7/24/2023 The never discussed his son's business has changed to wasn't in business with his son) White House Press Secretaries have repeatedly said Hunter Biden is a private citizen and not part of the Administration. When millions are paid to Hunter by countries visited by Air Force Two, sometimes with Hunter aboard, it's absurd to pretend Joe Biden was completely out of the loop. Hunter was paid millions of dollars while offering no product or service other than access to his father and seemingly "protection" of some kind that is still being fleshed out.

The next big question:

Did Joe get paid? 

All Federal office seekers must disclose their families income, income sources and assets on FEC filings and once in office on OGE Form 278e. Take a look at President Biden's filings and ask yourself how did Joe become so wealthy? Middle class Joe, how did you become a multimillionaire on a senator and VP salary?

How many of Hunter's shell companies need to be exposed before those on the left are forced to admit that the Biden extended family business orbits around Joe Biden and is absolutely rotten to the very core and has been for decades?

The government has a record of every transaction exceeding $10,000 and hundreds of Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) dealing with the Biden shell companies. However, Republican members of Congress use of subpoenas to follow the Biden money trail have been as effective as the subpoenas of Hillary's private email server. It's shocking that the flow of the money is still mostly hidden. However, even with the Department of the Treasury stonewalling and US Banks not cooperating the picture of a massive shakedown operation is slowly emerging.

Hunter Biden was infact being paid huge sums of money by a Ukrainian company, under investigation, while his father was Vice President and in charge of Ukrainian policy. Contrary to what fact checkers claim the prosecutor investigating Burisma was in fact fired after Vice President Joe Biden threatened to pull a billion dollar Ukrainian loan guarantee. Furthermore, it's now obvious the Biden's have been laundering money for years if not decades and in some cases not paid taxes on their ill-gotten gains.

Update: Yesterday both the House and Senate released the recently divulged and initially denied FBI FD-1023 Confidential Human Source Report that documents why Hunter Biden was hired by Burisma Holdings. Besides his outrageous board member salary, Hunter and "another" Biden were paid $5 million each and that "it would take them (investigators) 10 years to find the records (i.e. elicit payments to Joe Biden)." 

Not that we needed proof, but we also now know the "Big Guy" is in fact Joe Biden.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

1,000 Mile Road Trip (France)

The month of June was spent in France. 

I woke up at 2:00 AM and flew out of Portland, Maine a few hours later. Due to a flight rescheduling our layover at JFK was about 10 hours. We had a nice flight to Nice, got through immigration & customs, got our car and started the road trip. 

We picked up fresh fruit and vegetables and stopped at the French equivalent to a super Walmart to get more food and a cooler which doubled as a seat. While doing our best to avoid highways we saw a few sights and even toured one of the best preserved Roman coliseums that is still used not for gladiators but concerts.

After many, many narrow winding mountain roads we finally made it to our first camping site on a mountain overlooking the Mediterranean. From getting up to going to bed a full 37 hours had elapsed. The start of our French trip was epic and I venture to say I WILL NEVER do anything that exhausting again in my life!

Our game plan was camp for a few days, stay at a hotel and then camp some more. We ended using our tent (yes we packed a tent) at three different camp grounds. For a few days we "glamped" in a modern two story canvas tent and stayed at four pretty nice hotels. The most relaxing time was the four days spent with a friend and her elderly mother who didn't speak English. 

You know your are off the beaten path when a few people you meet disclose they have never met an American. I'm not even going to try to explain what we saw.  Besides the amazing geology, I was absolutely blown away with all the monuments, streets, etc... commemorating the various wars in France. The French people haven't forgotten the World Wars. They may not remember what America did in the "Great War" but they absolutely remember what America did in World War II and are still grateful.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

4,000 Mile Road Trip

4,043 miles, 15 days, 8 hotels, 11 different beds and 21 dead deer later...

I got to see my oldest and youngest daughter. Celebrated with mom who turned 89 on Mother's Day. There was a rare moment when she put her arm around me and with a tear in her eye said she loved me. We spent a evening with my wife's Peace Corps roommate and who was the boyfriend of my childhood friend's wife in Samoa. Saw my last remaining and favorite uncle @ 93, a Federal District Court Judge and middle school friend, my two brothers and their wives, my oldest nephew, his wife (due in early June) and their adorable daughter. My goddaughter, her husband and three slightly out of control little boys, and finally my last aunt (Noriko) who turns 87 in August... Yet another Leo in my life.

Finding out my uncle only grew corn and soybeans on his 1,000 acre Iowa farm (I spent a few summers there) raising 600 to 700 pigs a year for decades with a one-day piglet record of 64 was pretty cool. Hearing him recall his fishing trips with a tear in his eye and call me “Big D" was special.

Spending time with my wonderful 86 year-old Japanese aunt and 2nd wife of my mom's brother was great. Learning what it was like working on an American base and being married to an American in post war Japan is a slice of history we are not taught in America. Finding out my Uncle Bill didn't finish his training in time to fly in WW-II, but was instead the lead navigator of 65 B-29 bombing missions over Korea and in 1950 bombed Inchon on Christmas Eve just blew my mind.

DT doesn't stand for Drive Tour. This is likely the last visit to a few beloved members of my family. I'm so lucky to have spent it with my wife who continues to impress me with the depth of her knowledge and wisdom.

From driving through one of, if not the oldest river valleys on our planet (360 million years old), oddly named New River Gorge, hearing Willy Nelson perform live in Cedar Rapids Iowa, visiting three generations of Beemers at the Beemer gravesite in Hampton, Iowa, the Spam Museum in Austin Minnesota, a family reunion at my oldest brother's house in Hudson, Wisconsin, the Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre in Sault Ste. Marie, checking out downtown Ottawa, looking over the awesome city of Montreal from Mount Royal while eating a fresh bagel from St. Viateur (not Fairmount Bagel!) to finally driving through the amazing North West corner of Maine, there is no doubt this trip was epic.

Sunday, April 30, 2023


Diversity Equity and inclusion!


Sounds good right?

Not so fast... DEI is an anti meritocracy movement forcing equal outcomes that I believe is shaking the very foundations of our society.

There is no doubt that diversity, at it's core is a good thing. You absolutely want diversity of thought when you are solving problems. However assuming you automatically get diversity of thought by focusing on physical attributes such as the color of one's skin, sex, etc... has resulted in the left becoming hostile to diversity of opinions and political beliefs.

How can the left scream for diversity while literally screaming at those with different political or "worse" religious beliefs? God forbid you support the 2nd Amendment, state the climate is changing but the change has been constant for the last 450 years or want to ban abortions after the fetus clearly has become conscious.

The right to think and believe differently than your fellow American is enshrined in our Constitution and First Amendment. We have a God given right to vehemently disagree with our fellow citizens. This does not give us the right to silence them under the cloak of DEI. 

The right to think and express yourself is under attack. All Americans need to step up and make it clear that diversity of thought, meritocracy and not discriminating against any group is what's protected.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The "Assault Weapons" Ban is Back

Over the next few days, maybe weeks, many of us will be hearing over and over that guns are now the number one killer of kids. 

First of all is that true? 

Secondly people kill people with guns. Guns don't typically kill people.

Yes, it's true guns are the number one killer of kids if you expand the definition of kids to include 18, 19 and 20 year olds and toss is suicide with a handgun. I honestly believe there is a special place in hell for people who manipulate data to push a narrative. No end justifies the manipulation of data and thus the American people.

It turns out that young black men are killing each other and young white women are killing themselves at all time highs. So sad in all cases but long guns are NOT the problem and they have never been. Regardless of the narrative rifles including "assault weapons" are only involved in 3% of murders and very few suicides. If the stated goal is saving lives why is the President and the Democratic party yet again pushing the "Assault Weapons" ban?

If our leaders cared about "KIDS" using guns to kill each other and themselves why not try laws that impact the weapons used 97% of the time... handguns? 

I believe most Americans would support requiring a concealed weapons permit to buy or possess a handgun based on the obvious concept that handguns are so easy to conceal. This would likely significantly reducing gun deaths. 

I think most Americans would support raising the age to own or possess a handgun to 21 and make possession of a hand gun under the age of 21 a felony while committing a crime an automatic felony. Establish a federal law that make the possession of a hand gun by someone under 21 illegal. No exceptions and if found guilty the federal sentencing mandatory guidelines require six months in jail.

Caught with a handgun under 21 and your going to spend 6 months in jail. Just like the "Assault Weapons" ban Congress could build in a sunset provision. If a universal handgun concealed weapons permit requirement and increasing the age to 22 didn't reduce gun deaths it would sunset. Just like the "Assault Weapons" ban did back in September 13, 2004.

PS I would seriously consider raising the age of handgun possession to 25. This has already faced pushback from the courts and not trying to be funny, I'm told raising the age of handgun ownership is racist?

Friday, March 10, 2023

206 House Democrats Vote Against Free Speech?

Just hours ago the Republican controlled House passed H.R. 140, THE PROTECTING SPEECH FROM GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE ACT

I have to admit that I'm as happy as an alligator chomping on a wayward child at Disney World. Why? Because this bill is just eight pages long and will at least expose the Democrats war on free speech and the American people. 

If a government employee colludes with anyone or any entity private or public to suppress free speech they maybe debarred from federal employment for a period not to exceed 5 years and pay a $1,000 or 10,000 civil penalty depending on if the person is a senior government official. 

Kentucky GOP Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee, sponsored the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act, which sets a standard that "employees acting in their official capacity should neither take action within their authority or influence to promote the censorship of any lawful speech, nor advocate that a third party, including a private entity, censor such speech."

What's almost impossible to believe is that 206 Democrats voted against this bill. The Dems yet again show their stripes. 

PS Do you think the Main Stream Media will cover this? There is little doubt this Bill will die in the Senate without even being discussed. Thank you Chuck Schumer & John Fetterman... NOT!

Kentucky Rep. James Comer - Hero of the Day!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Angus King You Just Don't Get It

Senator King, you say a video of you comparing January 6th to 9/11 was edited in such a way to make you look like a Democrat. Instead of fighting back you reach out to various social media companies and ask them to review aka takedown the video.

Clearly you and your staff (mostly lawyers) didn't see a problem with this.

Once the video was taken down you state the social media company(s) asked if you had any other issues and only then you supplied your "enemies" list... an Excel spreadsheet sheet of 500 plus "suspicious" accounts.

Again, didn't you see any problem with this?

Saying you are fighting "lies" this way because "... a lie can make its way around the world before the truth can get is boots on. In the Internet age, that’s accelerated greatly and all of us are still trying to navigate this new reality." is Orwellian.

Sir, one man's lie (Covid came from a lab) is another man's truth. The only tool in a free society to combat "lies" is more speech not less. You don't abuse your position as a sitting Senator by asking social media to do ANYTHING for you. Matter of fact this likely meets the classification of an in-kind campaign contribution. 

I call on you to review this situation, come clean (it's all going to all come out eventually), apologize and make it clear that you will not engage in activities like this egregious infringement on free speech ever again.

Update - You should absolutely support H.R. 140 the "Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act."

Democracy is fragile and we are only a generation away from loosing ours.

Angus King's Response Letter...

Friday, February 24, 2023

Senator Angus King Shame On You!

Angus King, what in the hell were you thinking when you compiled an enemies list and shared it with various social media companies

Update 3/12/2023 - The Bangor Daily News story is now 100% behind a paywall. I have never seen a paper put the title of a story behind a paywall. Here are another links to this story: 

The Maine Wire

Maine Public

Portland Press Herald

Washington Examiner 

I've heard that candidates loose 5 points of IQ every week during an election. Sir, you blew that out of the water and set the standard for stupid. Thank God you're not a Mainer. Born and raised in Alexandria Virginia, or as some would say where the swamp goes to sleep, you certainly showed your true colors with your Constitution crushing campaign efforts to suppress free speech.

You and your staff requested Facebook and Twitter (Google, Snapchat, etc...?) review hundreds of your fellow citizens social media accounts that you deemed suspicious. Suspicious for what? Retweeting your despicable 9/11 comments? Retweeting your opponent's tweets? Retweeting Herman Cain's tweets?

Is winning an election worth taking a big steaming dump on the Constitution?

Shame on you Senator King. Not only did you squelch the free speech of the citizens you swore an oath to protect you robbed me of hearing what those people had to say. How anyone could put a list like this together and submit it to the overloads at Twitter and Facebook is beyond me. That a sitting Senator I once admired would undergo such a despicable endeavor is frankly maddening.

Just a tiny example... Brakey was King's opponent

Update: Got a response from Senator King. According to the Senator there was an edited video that misrepresented his comparison of January 6th to 9/11. His campaign staff reached out to various social media companies and ask that this video be reviewed aka removed.

The social media companies did as suggested and then asked his campaign if they had any other accounts with issues. This was the opening that resulted in the Senator providing a freaking spread sheet of 500 accounts to be "reviewed" aka banned, suspended, throttled or shadow banned.

Of course it was just the suspicious accounts mind you... nothing to see here move along!

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

U.S. Constitution

 The Constitution of the United States

Article 1 - Establishes Congress

Article 2 - Establishes Executive

Article 3 - Establishes Judicial

Article 4 - Establishes relationship with States

Article 5 - Establishes how to amend

Article 6 - Establishes that previous debts, laws, agreements, treaties, etc... continue.

Article 7 - Establishes ratification process

Bill of Rights

1st Amendment - Freedom of religion, speech, press, assemble and petition the government

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

2nd Amendment - Right to Bear Arms

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

3rd Amendment - Quartering of Troops

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

4th Amendment - Unreasonable Searches and Seizures

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.5th - Due Process

5th Amendment - You don't have to testify against yourself

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

6th Amendment - Speedy Trial, Charges, Confront Witnesses, Compulsory process for obtaining witnesses and to be represented by council

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

7th Amendment - You have a right to a trial by jury to settle disputes between your fellow man

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

8th Amendment - Cruel and unusual punishment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

9th Amendment - James Madison wanted it to be clear the Constitution does NOT take away those rights given to us by our creator

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

10th Amendment - If it's not in the Constitution then the States have it for action

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


Other Amendments everyone talks about and you should know:

18th Illegal to drink beer

21st legal to drink beer

16th Legalize the income tax

17th Direct election of Senators (Used to be up to the Governor or State Legislative body)

15th Everyone votes... Except women

19th Women get the vote (August 18th, 1920)

25th Presidential succession

26th Voting age 18 (July 1st, 1971)

27th Prohibits Congress from giving themselves a raise: "No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened."

It's a little known fact that the original Bill of Rights had 12 Amendments. The 27th Amendment was the original 2nd Amendment proposed in 1789 but it didn't make the Bill of Rights initial cut and was just left hanging in limbo. Finally on May 7, 1992 the State of Michigan ratified the Amendment giving it the needed 3/4ths of the States to become part of the Constitution. Instead of being the 2nd it became the 27th.

Ensign David Beemer's 1st collateral duty was supporting the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution - USS Robert E. Peary, FF-1073. Basically I got a few boxes of pocket Constitutions and made sure every member of the command got one. Looking back that was a missed opportunity to help my shipmates understand what each of us swore to:

I _____________do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

My pocket Constitution circa 1988