Furthermore, I understand it's completely politically incorrect to point out basic facts. In a country with 330,000,000 people, mass shootings (four or more people shot) and expecially active shooters are extremely, actually, unbelievably rare. The FBI documented 27 total active shooting incidents in the United State in 2018.
This seems like a ton of cases but when you look at it as a nation it's not but the upward trend since 2000 is worthy of concern. This isn't an Obama or Trump thing. Something is changing with our young people and in many cases it's young, withdrawn, socially outcast, sexual inactive males.
Politicians and the media say mass shootings are on the rise and have become an "existential" threat to our country. However, politicians and the media continue to fail to acknowledge the numbers of gun shootings and deaths that occur daily in our large urban centers.
To put shootings in perspective 40,000 people die in car accidents and 60,000 due to drug overdose annually. Why, as a society, do we go on and on about mass shootings that killed 387 in 2018 but not the 100,000 that died on our roads and from drugs?
Maybe it's because shootings are random and that alone is terrifying?
Every year about 270 people are struck by lighting in the United States but rational people are NOT terrorized by seemingly random lighting strikes?
If the loss of life is the most important metric, wouldn't 100,000 people overdosing and dying in car accidents be the real story and "existential" threat to our nation?
By far the number one thing we as a nation could do to curb gun violence would be to change our Constitution. With the repeal of the 2nd Amendment we could ban guns and it's clear that a total ban on all guns would have a significant impact on gun violence. Would I feel safer giving up my shotgun and handgun? Honestly, I don't know... I've only had a handgun for twelve years and I didn't feel unsafe before I owned one.
Do I think the 2nd Amendment should be changed to prevent 387 annual deaths from mass shootings per year? Absolutely not, but to be intellectually honest all options must be considered.
I'm in favor of a nationwide licensing process for handguns. This would include a gun safety course, training that includes firing a handgun, fingerprints and a background check in order to own a handgun. Seems extreme but think of what you have to do to drive a car and cars kill 40,000 people a year... I'm okay with this change.
I'm also very much in favor of limiting magazine capacity to gun design. This would effectively make illegal huge clips, 100 round drums, etc... However, I think limiting my Glock 22 to 10 rounds from 15 is nonsense and puts me at a disadvantage when confronting a prepared shooter.
I'm in favor or banning bump stocks... DONE - The ban went into effect on March 26, 2019, by which owners of bump stocks were required to destroy them or surrender them to ATF, punishable by 10 years imprisonment and $250,000 fine.
Although the "Gun Show Loophole" like the "Assault Weapon Ban" is mostly bullshit, I think it makes sense to fill in a few gaps in the law. Right now if you sell one gun as a business you're require to have a Federal Firearms License (FFL). There are no exceptions to this law but amateur gunsmiths and now modern technology with 3D printing have muddled the waters. These loopholes need to be closed.
The lethality of the 5.56 NATO round needs to be addressed. The velocity of the 5.56 NATO round should be reviewed. Maybe a background check should be needed to purchase this type of ammo?
The FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) needs to be fully Internet based with all 50 states, DC and US Territories participating. Too many FFL's call into the system and read the ATF E-Form 4473 data. Potential gun buyers should be able to pre-fill their 4473 data and sign form 4473 in the presence of the FFL. If someone is not instantaneously approved there should be a way to find out why so they can address the problem. Furthermore, known felons, non-citizens, etc... who illegally attempt to buy firearms MUST be prosecuted.
Red flag laws need to be considered and implemented carefully so citizens constitutionally protected rights are not infringed.
Consider raising the age of gun ownership.
Consider requiring a licence to buy a gun. A license that requires a safety course, training, fingerprints and a background check would Gina long way to reducing gun violence. Again, if you need a license to drive a car is it unreasonable to require a license to buy a gun?
This list is NOT exhaustive. It's meant to provide food for thought from a gun owner. It's from a guy who has never been a member of the NRA and doesn't want law abiding citizens loosing the ability to protect them selves from enemies both foreign and domestic.
PS The Democratic candidates and the media have come out bashing President Trump for his hateful rhetoric that although didn't directly cause the shooting was a contributing factor. One candidate actually called the President a White Nationalist. Turns out that Connor Betts, the suspect in the Dayton mass shooting has on social media described himself as a leftist, expressed “pro-Satan” views, and has stated support for Elizabeth Warren. Hummm I bet Mrs. Warren didn't see that one coming.
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Connor Betts - Shooter |