Saturday, March 21, 2020

World War III - Is it Possible?

Like many I haven't posted for a while because I've been working 10-12 hours days for the last two weeks. It's been nuts and this latest market dump has exposed major weaknesses in the way I do business and communicate with my clients. Much of it due to government regulations and my company going above and beyond government guidelines which drives me nuts especially when those rules negatively impact the consumer, but that's not what I want or can talk about here.

World War III is something no one is talking about. I believe the "evil four" are up to something. Russia is talking to China. Iran is talking to China. China controls North Korea. Iran is talking with Russia and lastly China has at least 31 million more men than women. Doesn't anyone see a problem here?

The Wuhan Virus is bad but is it bad enough to justify locking down the western world? Can the American economy survive what some states and some local governments are doing? If it continues for months the answer is absolutely no!

Here is what few are talking about. Thousands are going to die as the result of the Wuhan Virus. We can save many if the infection curve is flatten to such an extent that the national health care system is not crushed, but at what cost? I argue the world economy is so interconnected that we are looking at a worldwide recession if not a depression in the coming weeks. In the past, it's the developing countries that suffer the most and millions will die directly and even more will suffer from a collapsed world economy.

Does it really make sense to save thousands at the cost of millions?

Furthermore, my specific warning is China, Russia, Iran and North Korea could easily use this crisis as a cover for advancing their objectives or even starting a war. I've been saying for years the United States Navy in the Pacific will loose as much as 50% of their forces in the first few days of a kinetic (shooting) war with China. I wouldn't put it past Putin to use this potential conflict to reposition Russia as a world leader and even Iran could use it to break the embargo that's crushing their economy and threating their leadership.

The world is not a safe place right now and the Wuhan Virus may represent the best chance in years for the evil four. China's economy was on a major downswing before the US trade sanctions and it's safe to say they were not looking forward to future negotiations with the Trump Administration. Russia's position in the world is nothing compared to what it was and with oil prices falling and the United States reclaiming energy dominance they are grabbing at straws. Furthermore, Putin is not getting any younger and my guess he is thinking legacy.

That leaves Iran and North Korea. Iran is on the verge of economic collapse and we haven't heard much of anything out of North Korea for quite a while. Both of these situations alarm me. Iran is the equivalent of a cornered animal and North Korea going dark is more than likely foreshadowing something bad. How a potential conflict will start I don't know, but it could quickly ramp up into something we don't want to think about. My guess... and it's a guess... is it will start with Iran and somehow that will involve China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

If the media keeps pushing the administration to act and those actions result in the collapse of the US economy keep your eye on Iran, China, Russia and even North Korea. It's difficult to even mention this but the United States just might have to make decisions that cost lives now to save millions later. I hope our leaders are taking into consideration the big picture because I'm positive China and Russia have already war planned this senerario out in detail and will not pass up on a once in a lifetime chance to deal a blow to the United States.

PS  Russia has already sold it's US Treasuries. If China starts selling that will be a reg flag that they are positioning themselves for conflict if not a shooting war.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Impeachment - No Witnesses? No Documents?

The Democrats are asking how can the Senate have a trial without witnesses or documents? Didn't the House Democrats say repeatedly that this was a done deal? That the facts are not in doubt? However, I'm sitting here scratching my head feeling like I'm going nuts. Everyone on the news is saying it's looking like there will be NO witness or documents.

Here are the facts:

- The House questioned 18 witnesses in the "bunker" and released 17 transcripts.

- The House questioned 13 witnesses on national TV.

- 29,000 pages of documents have been delivered to the Senate.

During the impeachment inquiry the House Intelligence Committee did not offer the President due process or anything close to due process: He was NOT allowed representation. He was NOT allowed to call witnesses. He was NOT allowed to cross examine witness and he was NOT allowed to confront his accuser.

Serial killers are allowed due process but not the President? I acknowledge the President is not being charged with a crime and the worst thing that could happen is being removed from office but still a causal observer would think the President of the United States would be offered due process.

So what now? I think the Senate should vote to toss out the charges because the President's basic civil rights were violated.

That's not going to happen so I hope the Senate realizes it's not their job to make the House's case. If they want to hear from Lieutenant Colonel Vindman or Ambassadors Sondland go for it... I like seeing Senators sitting quietly for hours and hours.

Maybe they should follow past impeachments and have witnesses that already testified? I would like to hear from the 18th witness or at least redact and make public the missing transcript. Bottom line, the President is going to be acquitted by the State of the Union.

That said, who knows what dirty tricks the Dems, Deep State or Never Trumpers will hack up at the last minute.

Update: The vote against having MORE witnesses went down 51/49 with Susan Collins and Mitt Romney breaking ranks. Susan's vote I can understand as she is in a state that could go to the Dems later this year. Mitt Romney on the other hand won his seat with 62.6% of the vote and isn't up for election in over four years. My guess... Romey, like John McCain, just hates Trump.

Update: Monday there will be four hours of closing arguments and then two days of floor speeches followed with a vote on both articles of impeachment likely late Wednesday. The verdict is not in question and of course the Dems are saying it will be illegitimate because there were no witnesses or documents. A false narrative ignoring the 18 witnesses who testified in the "bunker" and the 29,000 pages of documents submitted to the Senate.

The bottom line... The President will be giving the State of the Union Address under the cloud of impeachment which may explain why Speaker Pelosi delayed delivering the articles of impeachment.

Last word... The vote is in. With the exception of Mitt Romney every republican and a few Democrats agree the impeachment of President Trump was a political exercise and not based upon facts. According to Nancy Pelosi the impeachment started years ago only recently taking final form in the bowels of the House's secure bunker that somehow leaked cherry picked tidbits that made the President look bad.

The phrase history will judge is contrite but in this case I believe it's appropriate. History will indeed look back at this impeachment, lacking any criminal offense, as exactly what our founders tried to prevent when they do carefully drafted Article 1, section 2 of our constitution.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Mark Gallid - It's Treason

MARK GALLID of "Christianity Today" wrote a scathing opinion piece declaring the phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky as the last straw and a threat to our Christianity based democracy.

The timing of his opinion  piece seems suspect and the TV interview of him from his cluttered kitchen speaks volumes.

Seriously? Clearly you think Trump is a total dick but it takes a phone call with the Ukrainian President asking him to work with our attorney general to find out what happened in 2016 as the straw that broke the camels back?

There is a pattern of action here... Trump gets dumped on and he lashes out. His honeymoon period lasted only hours before a corrupt media reported he removed the bust of MLK from the oval office? Crazy that over 60 elected officials refused to even attend the inauguration. Note, many on the left and the African American community still believe MLK's bust was removed.

Mark - This is what you're missing... Please read the IG nine page summary of how the FBI completely abused the FISA process and maybe you will start to understand, as I have, that forces within and outside our government have acted with treasonous intent. I'm not using treasonous to be flip. This is what happened and conspiracy to remove a duly elected President is treason.

Every rock should be turned over and those involved must be held accountable. Sir, there is no doubt this is a real threat to our democracy an I pray that God will help you see this truth sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tax Cuts Yield More Revenue?

It happens over and over. The CBO scored tbe Trump tax cut as costing something like $3.2 trillion dollars over the next ten years but the reality is revenue is up and growing.

FY 2019 - $3.44 trillion (projected)
FY 2018 - $3.33 trillion
FY 2017 - $3.32 trillion
FY 2016 - $3.27 trillion

Hey it would seem that the Dems and the CBO got the tax cut wrong... Revenue didn't decrease.

PS The CBO isn't biased but over and over they get it wrong and to me it seems their math always breaks one way. Lastly... What is up with our young people? Don't they know that communism and socialism kills millions and doesn't work?

Monday, December 9, 2019

FBI's Investigation Launched on Thinnest of Suspicions


Monday, December 9, 2019

Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on the Inspector General's Report of the Review of Four FISA Applications and Other Aspects of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation

Attorney General William P. Barr issued the following statement:

"Nothing is more important than the credibility and integrity of the FBI and the Department of Justice.  That is why we must hold our investigators and prosecutors to the highest ethical and professional standards.  The Inspector General’s investigation has provided critical transparency and accountability, and his work is a credit to the Department of Justice.  I would like to thank the Inspector General and his team.

The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.  It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatoryNevertheless, the investigation and surveillance was pushed forward for the duration of the campaign and deep into President Trump’s administration.  In the rush to obtain and maintain FISA surveillance of Trump campaign associates, FBI officials misled the FISA court, omitted critical exculpatory facts from their filings, and suppressed or ignored information negating the reliability of their principal source.  The Inspector General found the explanations given for these actions unsatisfactory.  While most of the misconduct identified by the Inspector General was committed in 2016 and 2017 by a small group of now-former FBI officials, the malfeasance and misfeasance detailed in the Inspector General’s report reflects a clear abuse of the FISA process.

FISA is an essential tool for the protection of the safety of the American people.  The Department of Justice and the FBI are committed to taking whatever steps are necessary to rectify the abuses that occurred and to ensure the integrity of the FISA process going forward.

No one is more dismayed about the handling of these FISA applications than Director Wray.  I have full confidence in Director Wray and his team at the FBI, as well as the thousands of dedicated line agents who work tirelessly to protect our country.  I thank the Director for the comprehensive set of proposed reforms he is announcing today, and I look forward to working with him to implement these and any other appropriate measures.

With respect to DOJ personnel discussed in the report, the Department will follow all appropriate processes and procedures, including as to any potential disciplinary action."



Monday, December 9, 2019

Statement of U.S. Attorney John H. Durham

“I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff.  However, our investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department.  Our investigation has included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S.  Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

It's Undeniable Trump was Under Surveillance

Step back and look at the BIG picture. Take it in... The FBI created a narrative that Carter Page, former Naval officer, Naval Academy graduate who proactively told the FBI he had contact with Russia in conjunction with the CIA was put under surveillance to gain access to Trump.

The underlying narrative... The Russians had compromised Trump. Our nation spent two years and $32 million dollars investigating this only to prove it was a false flag.

It's undeniable candidate, President-elect & President Trump was under surveillance and this surveillance was coordinated by the FBI.  This is no longer in question. That during this surveillance over and over exculpatory evidence was discovered that Carter Page and other Trump associates had nothing to do with Russia. During the 2016 presidential campaign, transition and early months of the Trump Administration FBI surveillance continued under all things FISA.

I wrote how Admiral Mike Rogers was nearly fired when he informed then President-elect Trump that Trump Tower was under surveillance. Note: Trump left Trump Tower the next day and did not return until August 2017.

What will be written about this period in our nation's history? I know one thing... President Trump isn't tearing up our Constitution. He's not the guy who says over and over he can't use his executive power to change immigration policy and then signs an executive order (DACA) doing just that. He is not ordering the FBI to wiretap multiple members of the press and their families.

Trump might accuse the media of pushing false stores but he's not spying on or putting "journalists" in jail like the Obama Administration.

Trump's the guy who moved our Embassy to the capital of Israel. Actually doing something Congress voted on which became law in 1995.

Trump's the guy who gave lethal aid to Ukraine. Which unlike general aid was never put on hold.

Trump's the guy who __________. The list goes on and on. It's almost like he's trying to live up to his campaign promises.

Unless I see something actually impeachable I'm going to keep supporting President Trump's efforts.

Note: In 2017, Trump announced his intent to provide the Javelin missile to Ukraine. Congress approved the assistance package of 210 missiles and 37 launchers, together worth $47 million. During President Trump's call with the Ukrainian President it was clear Ukraine was almost ready for more Javelin missiles... Almost... I wonder how many tanks and armored vehicles had been destroyed thanks to President Trump? Nancy Pelosi is correct everything does lead back to Putin and in this case it's a missile blowing up a Russian tank!

Friday, September 27, 2019

Taxes are more than you think...

It just dawned on me that most people have no clue how much money the government collects in taxes. The following is an example of how much the government gets of the last $100 dollars I earn.

I make $100 and my taxes are:

$32.00 in federal income taxes.
$15.30 in self employment taxes.
$7.25 to the State of Maine.

With the $45.45 left over I purchase a 5 inch wedding cake from a great vegan baker to celebrate my third wedding anniversary.

I pay another $3.64 in Maine sales tax.

Now the baker has charged me $41.81 for her cake. Her costs which include everything from flour to oven gas adds up to $20.91 leaving her with a profit of $20.90 on which she pays:

$4.60 in federal income taxes.
$3.20 in self employment taxes.
$1.41 in state income taxes.

Total taxes on my $100 earned selling my services and buying a five inch wedding cake are $67.40 and I would argue the cost, pain and hassle required to figure this out and the angst not knowing if you figured it out correctly makes our whole system unbearable and yet we Americans, like the proverbial dog lying on a nail moaning, are doing nothing about it.

In the early 90's there was a organization that was hell bent on repealing the 16th Amendment. Although supported by John McCain, Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee, Bill Archer, Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter, Mike Gravel, John Lindner, Saxby Chambliss, etc... the repeal movement only gained marginal traction. Looking back it's obvious that those in power DON'T want to see any change to the income tax system. The current system absolutely hides the real cost of government and allows those in power to pick winners and losers.

Major tax reform is rarely possible. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 did many things including limiting the state income tax deduction to $10,000. This resulted in high taxed (typically democrat controlled) states crying foul. They have done everything they can to have the tax cut changed while low taxed (typically republican controlled) states cheered.

I'm absolutely for the repeal of the 16th amendment and using a National Retail Sales Tax (NRST) to fund the Federal Government. Many believe this is too radical, but since 1776 we have had a "legal" income tax for only 106 years. I say it's time that we once again align our nation's revenue system to what our founding fathers argued was best.

Note - The taxes continue as the baker buys products and services and those people make profits, etc... Furthermore, this example doesn't include property and personal property taxes which for many add up to thousands of dollars. As with an iceberg much of the true cost of taxation is hidden:

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

"If True" Trump's Ukrainian Call

I'm so tired of hearing journalists using the phrase "if true" when breaking a news story. The President of the United States asked the President of Ukraine to investigate possible corruption between Ukraine and Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden and the major media (less Fox News) goes off the rails. Democrats declare the Rubicon has been crossed and Trump needs to be impeached... Before the release of the call transcript?

Now that the transcript of the call between President Trump and the President of Ukraine is public the spin is absolutely insane. I can't imagine how anyone can rationally concluded the President broke any law based on the transcript of the call. Prior to the transcripts release the Department of Justice made it clear they reviewed the matter and concluded no violation of campaign finance law occurred.

So again, how does "if true" become the story when the fact that Hunter Biden made at least $83,000 a month as a board member of Burisma is broomed? Burisma is the largest natural gas producer in Ukraine and it has been reported that Hunter Biden worked for Burisma Holdings from May 2014 to early 2019. Do the math... That's over $4.3 million dollars paid to a board member with I think it's safe to say zero experience in the oil & gas industry. I wonder what the other board members made and what political connections they boast?

PS I believe that Hunter Biden leverage his father's job into millions from Ukraine, China and maybe others. It seems convenient the whistle blower came forward the day after it was clear the Muller investigation had failed to result in impeachment over a phone call that even my liberal wife, who happens to have a PhD in linguistics from Boston University, said was "perfect".

Monday, September 16, 2019

Enough About Brett Kavanaugh!

CBS News... News? I'm just dumbfounded that any major news outlet is still publishing salacious stories of "what" happened 35+ years ago. Someone coming forward and  "remembering" that something happened just isn't enough to smear a supreme Court judge.

Justice Kavanaugh's memories of freshman year are vague at best. The editors at CBS think stories from the Judge's freshman year are fair game... this isn't journalism, It's blatant partisanship. CBS knows no one can refute something that happened 35+ years, especially when details like dates aren't remembered.

Let's say everything CBS is now reporting is true. What you have is a drunk college freshman pulling his dick out at a party. This alone disqualifies Judge Kavanaugh? Something 35 years ago out weighs a 30 year career of treating women with respect and dignity in the workplace?

Doesn't anyone besides me have a problem here?

Hasn't anyone noticed there are zero accusations from co-workers or subordinates?

There once was a time where tabloids would publish stories like this, stories legit media outlets wouldn't touch under any circumstances. Clearly those days are over and the role of the press in our Republic is being mismanaged at best and the country on whole is much worse off.

The coordinated smear is the true existential treat to our democracy.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Media Spins the North Carolina Special Elections

Last night two Republicans win special elections and the results don't favor a Democratic take over in 2020 but that's NOT the story. When stories written by democratic operatives end up as the headlines in major newspapers and media outlets the results are far from harmless. this is exactly how you end up with Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke running for president thinking that he almost won Texas.

Only the Democrats can turn a pretty convincing loss into a victory. Only the Democratic party with the help of the media can turn a governor's race in Georgia with all-time voter turnout and a 50,000 vote deficit into voter suppression.

One would think the dream ticket would be Beto O'Rourke and Stacey Abrams. I don't know what to think about North Carolina's special elections but I know spin when I see it and journalists are not supposed to spin! There is no doubt, absolutely no doubt, in my mind that fair journalism for the most part is dead in America.

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