Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NPR Lies Again - Arlington Trump Ad

 "Army says Arlington National Cemetery worker was 'pushed aside' by Trump aides"

I'm so sad I can't get back all the money I've given NPR over the years. 

The Charlottesville Hoax still lives on in so many American minds and NPR knew that was a lie from the very beginning.

NPR is still pushing the "Suckers and Losers" Atlantic story as if it's gospel. The story that after all these years is still based on four anonymous sources verses the entire Trump administration saying it didn't happen.

"Pushed aside" police report? How easy would it be to have a link to the police report? To show a copy of the report? The Army put out a statement? Let's see it or at hear it?

Journalism requires proof especially when it's coming from the left leaning hacks of NPR aka National Panhandler Radio. NPR's reporting on Republicans, specifically Donald Trump continues to be blatantly biased. NPR has been caught lying so many times it's actually expected. Democracy requires truth and factual reporting goes a long way towards providing truth. I say this as I'm looking at a picture of a Joe Biden 2020 official, paid for, TV campaign ad. The picture is of Joe, his family and officials at a tombstone in section 60 of Arlington Cemetery. The same section that Trump met with Gold Star Families at their request. That same section 60 that has erupted into TRS outrage.

My first thought, hey maybe that was Beau Biden's grave. Nope Beau Biden died of brain cancer years later (is he in the picture?) and is buried in Delaware. You wouldn't know this if you listened to President Joe Biden who for years has said his son Beau died in Iraq

The Vice President visiting his son Beau?

2020 Biden Campaign Ad

PS Hunter Biden hooks up with Beau Biden's widowed wife Hallie Biden... That's not a question that's a fact and it speaks volumes of the "smartest guy I know" comment of Joe Biden.