Friday, February 24, 2023

Senator Angus King Shame On You!

Angus King, what in the hell were you thinking when you compiled an enemies list and shared it with various social media companies

Update 3/12/2023 - The Bangor Daily News story is now 100% behind a paywall. I have never seen a paper put the title of a story behind a paywall. Here are another links to this story: 

The Maine Wire

Maine Public

Portland Press Herald

Washington Examiner 

I've heard that candidates loose 5 points of IQ every week during an election. Sir, you blew that out of the water and set the standard for stupid. Thank God you're not a Mainer. Born and raised in Alexandria Virginia, or as some would say where the swamp goes to sleep, you certainly showed your true colors with your Constitution crushing campaign efforts to suppress free speech.

You and your staff requested Facebook and Twitter (Google, Snapchat, etc...?) review hundreds of your fellow citizens social media accounts that you deemed suspicious. Suspicious for what? Retweeting your despicable 9/11 comments? Retweeting your opponent's tweets? Retweeting Herman Cain's tweets?

Is winning an election worth taking a big steaming dump on the Constitution?

Shame on you Senator King. Not only did you squelch the free speech of the citizens you swore an oath to protect you robbed me of hearing what those people had to say. How anyone could put a list like this together and submit it to the overloads at Twitter and Facebook is beyond me. That a sitting Senator I once admired would undergo such a despicable endeavor is frankly maddening.

Just a tiny example... Brakey was King's opponent

Update: Got a response from Senator King. According to the Senator there was an edited video that misrepresented his comparison of January 6th to 9/11. His campaign staff reached out to various social media companies and ask that this video be reviewed aka removed.

The social media companies did as suggested and then asked his campaign if they had any other accounts with issues. This was the opening that resulted in the Senator providing a freaking spread sheet of 500 accounts to be "reviewed" aka banned, suspended, throttled or shadow banned.

Of course it was just the suspicious accounts mind you... nothing to see here move along!