Friday, January 28, 2022

Georgia Ballot Boxes and The Big Lie

According to Main Stream Media (MSM) and the Democratic party the "BIG LIE" is President Trump and Republicans refusing to accept the 2020 defeat by blaming their loss upon widespread voter fraud

However, we now know that the Georgia's Secretary of State is interested in missing ballot box custody documents for thousands of votes in the Fulton Country Area. There is no doubt that election workers will be fired and it's looking like Fulton County's next election will be conducted by the state of Georgia, not local officials. I'm positive that more voting irregularities will come to the surface and I'm looking at what "True the Vote" is undertaking. 

This makes me ponder what to call a two plus year, $40 million dollar investigation into the Trump campaign colluding with Russia and specifically Vladimir Putin. That investigation hobbled a newly elected President and has produced nothing. Yet it's perfectly clear millions of American's not only believe but absolutely know President Trump colluded with the Russians. The Russian Hoax continues to this day but it's not the "Big Lie"?

Mark Zuckerberg spent about $419 million dollars (easily the largest dark money contribution in history) to ensure people in high density areas of the country, mostly swing states, could have easy access to vote in the 2020 Presidential election. This mostly included giving grants to non-partisan election officials who used the funds to register millions on new voters. To get ballots to these new voters. To hold special "vote in the park" events. To put up a few thousand ballot drop boxes. To get out the vote and when the absentee votes came back missing signatures, addresses, etc... To cure those ballots.

The big lie is the bulk of this was done in states that mattered and in areas that would increase the democratic vote. It's hard to argue that getting more people to register and vote is a bad thing but when done is "specific" areas the 14th amendment, which clearly states that all American's are to be treated equally, is violated. You can't discriminate on who is helped to vote based on race, religion, sex or political affiliation. 

To me the "Big Lie" is the media and Democratic talking heads stating over and over just days after the election, based on no factual evidence that the 2020 election was the "most secure in history." Trump’s own officials say 2020 was America’s most secure election in history. Knowing full well that it takes months if not years to dig into potential election irregularities. Yet the talking heads concluded unanimously there were no significant problems with the election in months if not days. However, the Left just couldn't let their efforts go unrecognized. Molly Ball's Time Magazine article spelled out exactly how the left highjacked the 2020 election. 

To me this is NOT about dead people voting. It's not about felons voting. It's not about people voting twice, truck loads of ballots showing up or computer programs switching votes. That's a narrative that's designed to be the shinny object. The real issues were Hunter Biden's laptop being labeled Russian disinformation. The Atlantic's "Suckers and Losers" story that was soundly debunked but will lived on for many voters until they die. The suppression of news, social media and the shadow banning that became so obvious when emails and text messages didn't go through while Facebook and Twitter limited the number of "friends" you could reach.

It's crazy that so many stories banned by social media before the 2020 election have now been proven true. What's next? When will the America people realize that there are coordinated efforts to control what they can learn and how they vote. The 2020 election was NOT the most secure in history and the facts will continue to come out to show this. What will happen to those responsible for "stealing" this election remains to be seen but if history repeats not much of anything. If history repeats those that coordinated the lies will be rewarded with high level government positions in the Biden Administration.

Never in history has a sitting President gained a staggering 11,231,497 votes from one election to the next and and lost.