Sunday, August 4, 2024

2 out of 3 Americans Released were Taken During the Biden Administration

Exchanging three Americans for a Russian FSB hitman, a Russian spy family in Slovenia, Roman Seleznev, a talented Russian computer hacker, Vadim Konoshchenok, a suspected Russian intelligence operative and gifted money launderer, an academic accused of being a Russian spy and a man detained in Poland on espionage charges doesn't seem like a fair swap even if you toss in a few of our allies captives.

Since when is releasing a convicted murderer for a legit New York Times journalist something President Biden should brag about? When "Asked about former President Donald Trump’s comments that he could have secured the American prisoners’ release without giving up anything, Biden replied, “Then why didn’t he do it when he was president?” and then walked away, seemingly unaware that two of the three Americans released were arrested during his term in office, not Trump’s."

"A grinning Dana Bash of CNN called it a “mic drop moment” without clarifying the facts or the timeline of the arrests — something we might once have associated with Russian state media but are now accustomed to seeing here in the U.S."

Was the fact that 2 of the 3 released hostages were snagged during Biden's Administration and innocent corporate media mistake?

My sources made it clear to me the 2017 story that Trump's near removal via the 25th Amendment was a lie. 

My sources made it clear Biden was not mentally competent years before June 27th.

My sources made it clear Trump wasn't associated with Putin and not a Russian puppet.

My sources indicated the Russians wanted Hillary as President (that story is still being covered up). 

My sources told me Benghazi was a well planned, coordinated attack that the State Department and Administration completely blew before, during and after the attack resulting in four deaths including the Ambassador.

My sources made it clear the laptop was real. For eleven months before the 2020 election the FBI took actions to PREVENT the laptop story from breaking and laid the ground work to suppress the story if it broke. The laptop confirmed what whistleblowers, like Tony Bobulinski had said. Joe Biden was the Big Guy and the Biden Family was running shakedowns of our allies and adversaries.

My sources made the case that Joe Biden was in fact the head of an influence peddling corruption business that laundered their ill gotten gains for decades.

The list of corporate media lies goes on and they all cut the same way making Dems look good and Republicans look bad.

Now we have gone from Vice President Harris nearly being pushed off the 2024 ticket to securing the 2024 Democrat nomination without a single primary vote. We are now being told that Vice President Harris is the female version of JFK and the Republicans are just weird. The full power of  corporate media, combined with social media is manipulating the truth. 

Will the Truth about Harris get out before the election? Will "X" be enough? Will she too be swapped out if it looks like she can't beat Trump? Is 92 days enough time to vet our next President?

I don't think so and I'm sorry to report I have friends who will vote for "Kackala" as long as she can fog a mirror because Tump is a existential threat to Democracy!

Inflation, Boarder, National Debt, Balanced Budget, Middle East Peace, WW III, an independent free press ... It's not a long list but the Dems come up woefully short on everything that truly matters!