Monday, September 16, 2019

Enough About Brett Kavanaugh!

CBS News... News? I'm just dumbfounded that any major news outlet is still publishing salacious stories of "what" happened 35+ years ago. Someone coming forward and  "remembering" that something happened just isn't enough to smear a supreme Court judge.

Justice Kavanaugh's memories of freshman year are vague at best. The editors at CBS think stories from the Judge's freshman year are fair game... this isn't journalism, It's blatant partisanship. CBS knows no one can refute something that happened 35+ years, especially when details like dates aren't remembered.

Let's say everything CBS is now reporting is true. What you have is a drunk college freshman pulling his dick out at a party. This alone disqualifies Judge Kavanaugh? Something 35 years ago out weighs a 30 year career of treating women with respect and dignity in the workplace?

Doesn't anyone besides me have a problem here?

Hasn't anyone noticed there are zero accusations from co-workers or subordinates?

There once was a time where tabloids would publish stories like this, stories legit media outlets wouldn't touch under any circumstances. Clearly those days are over and the role of the press in our Republic is being mismanaged at best and the country on whole is much worse off.

The coordinated smear is the true existential treat to our democracy.