Monday, April 16, 2012

Taxes and Burgers - National Retail Sales Tax

Taxes and Burgers

As the sun sets, sounds of neighbors enjoying the evening remind me that I've spent this weekend doing my taxes, not cooking burgers. Since 1987 I've done my own taxes and I know first hand what a mess our tax system has become. Like frogs enjoying a warming kettle bath, we are collectively being cooked.

According to the IRS website, in 2006 tax compliance required 7.6 billion hours, not including the millions of hours needed to comply with IRS requests and audits. No amount of tweaking, fixing or reform can salvage the current system. It's time we start over and at this point I don't really care what over looks like because contrary to popular opinion, I don't think even the government can make what we have now worse.

Mr. President, please stop talking about what percentage Mr. Buffet pays and consider a National Retail Sales Tax (NRST). Yes, it would be regressive which would require beefing up government programs to protect the poor and working poor. Perhaps eliminating the estate tax below $100 million and making it fifty percent above would help offset the increased government help to those now paying federal taxes for the first time.

I for one would like to stop worrying about taxes and just get on with my life and enjoy cooking burgers this time of year.